Prelude – Earthly Awakening
The correct voting method for determining the preferred election candidate has
been revealed by the Federal Electorate of Cook during 2010 and 2013 thereby
creating Legalistic Edwina the practical companion of Philosophical Edwina
It is termed the Natural Law of Elections – see Election Petition 2013 part B
Regality – Earthly Divinity
Law is a phenomenon arising from possibility expressed by limitation and doth form the hidden symbolism of the Scales of Justice – the balance of possibility and limitation
The weighing of evidence connotation for the Scales of Justice does serve as a diversion
Wisdom – Earthly Enlightenment
This earthly realm is one of free will and free choice providing that the exertion of such
causes no physical harm to others or their immediate personal property
Law both natural and man made does exist to ensure that the aforestated is so
Axiom – Earthly Lore
No man made artificial / human law is binding without consent both collectively and
individually and this forms the fundamental and foundation basis of all such law
Consent must not be obtained by threat or use of damaging physical force
Paradox – Earthly Dilemna / Dilemma
Consent both collective or individual for binding enforceable law may be legally
obtained through trickery and deception and physical harm could result
However trickery and deception are both unethical practices not withstanding
Manifestation – Earthly Awareness
Ones birth time / date / place forms the channel for the natural law while
ones registered or known name forms the channel for the man made law .
Modus Operandi – Earthly Limitation
Dictatorial subjugation or the electoral vote and the associative process and procedure does represent the collective surrender and transfer of sovereign individual legal power and has been historically symbolised and depicted as physical human sacrifice
The remainder of Legalistic Edwina will now be devoted to word and fact familiarisation
This phenomenon will arise when a verb is followed by a word that normally should be used as a preposition which shall create an independent meaning that doth use two words instead of a correct single verb . Prepositions should be placed before object words and if the misplacement does continue the language itself may eventually lose many words through disuse . The foundation phenomenon will create associated phenomena but the underlying cause does represent backward thought which is characteristic of any general language regression and decay
Note – the single correct replacement verb and conjugation will depend upon the context
aware of – sense
boot up / computer – sequencing or sequentising
breaking down / machine or vehicle – malfunctioning
broke up / relationship – disengaged or decoupled or parted
broken up / a category – divided or reorganised
broken up / person – distraught
call back / phone – recontact
call back / personally – revisit
called on / advice or opinion – sought
came across / an object – encountered or found
came across / an impression / appeared
catch up / friendship / reacquaint
check out / investigate or examine or inspect or view
cheer up / rejoice
come back / return
cut out – a section / remove or eliminate or extract
cut out – machine / stopped
deal with / tolerate or contend
dispensed with / waive
drop off / deliver
drop off – sleep / dozed
falling apart – person / distraught
falling apart – object / deteriorating
fell apart – object / crumbled or disintegrated or fragmented
figured out / ascertained or determined or deciphered
find out / discover
filled in – employment staff / replaced or relieved
get by / survive or manage
get off – a train or bus and coach or wagon / alight
get off – a ridden horse / dismount
get off – a ship or aeroplane or spacecraft / disembark
get off – a pleasant activity / enjoy
get ready / prepare
get through / access or negotiate
give up / concede or surrender or cease
go through / penetrate
go to / visit or attend
go on – conversation / continue
go across – a specified area / traverse
going out – specific place / visiting or attending
going out – undetermined destination / roving
going out – personal interaction / socialising
grew up – child or person / matured
hang out – general / linger
hang out – specific / frequent or patronise
have to / must
hold off / delay or defer
join in / contribute
keep away / avoid
knocked back / rejected or refused
left out / omitted or excluded
look at / view or examine
look after / supervise or protect or guard or mind or watch
look out / heed
make up / fabricate
move in / resettle
move out / relocate
need to / must or should or could
off to / bound or destined
paid off / succeeded
pass on / convey or send
passed up / opportunity / rejected
pay out – personal / retaliate
pick up – loose objects / gather
pick up – specific objects and people / collect
plug in – device / connect
plugged in – person / informed or attuned
push back – deferral or opposition
put away – object / store
put down – person / patronise or denigrate
see through – an activity / complete
see through – a misrepresentation / discern
shape up / suitability
sink in / resonate or permeate
stay away / avoid
switch off – a light / kill
switch off – a device / deactivate
switched on – a person / enlightened
talk about / discuss
take after / resemble
take out – personal / date or escort
think about / consider
think of – a memory / remember or recall
thought out / considered or discussed
try on – clothing / sample or size
turn on – a light / kindle or luminate
turn on – a device / activate
turn on – sexually / arousing or exciting or stimulating
turns out – an occurrence / transpired
up to – activity / undertaking
wake up – awareness / think or consider or reason
wake up – sleep only / awake
wake up – sleep and rest / arise
walk on / continue
woke up – sleep only / awoke
woke up – sleep and rest / arose
working around / circumnavigating or circumventing
working through / evaluating or assessing or examining
work out / determine or ascertain or decipher or calculate
Note- Omission will form false phrasal verbs hence ……
“ He logged his details onto the computer ”
becomes / log on
“ He entered the house by breaking inward the glass panel of the door ”
becomes / break in – a phrasal verb
and also obtains / housebreaking – a noun or adjective or verb
and the legal term / break and enter
Note – needless addition by extension of the original omitted usage
will form false phrasal verbs hence
“ shop around ” should remain the single word shop as the nature of the activity does involve seeking in many places and locations but it was originally derived from the bygone era of the corner store which has now been superseded by the shopping centre or complex
I shall fetch some milk from the shop around the corner
“ hurry up ” should remain the single word hurry as the nature of the command does involve increasing the unstated actions rate of performance but it was originally derived by omission from the bygone era of an overt class structured society which has now been superseded by a covert class structured society under the illusory guise of “ equal opportunity ”
“ Hurry upstairs ” commanded the mistress from her bedroom on the upper level of the manor house to her servant girl located in the servants quarters on the ground level .
Note – if subjected to the above misused term refute the servant label or inference
tidy up / pack up represent other common false phrasal verbs of this nature
The Phrasal Verb – with more than two words
come up with / create or invent or devise or suggest or propose
get rid of / eradicate
made fun of / ridiculed or derided or mocked or patronise
on the table / publicised
put up with / tolerate
ran out of / exhausted or depleted
walk on by / pass or ignore
went out with / accompanied or dated or escorted
The phrasal verb will arise when two or more words replace a single correct word and function independently and possess the same meaning as that single correct word while omission or needless addition sometimes creates a false phrasal verb and such cannot be replaced by a single word or another single word
THE PHRASAL ADVERB – officially unrecognised as a separate category
at the end of the day / ultimately
every now and again / occasionally
once in a while / infrequently
once in a blue moon / rarely
by the way / incidentally
used to / once
Note – these list and the responses merely identify and illustrate phenomena or trends and should not be deemed comprehensive nor definitive but only a personal selection
The word ” is” may perform grammatically as an independent verb or an auxiliary verb but its classification will depend upon whether a verb has been inadvertently omitted or excluded . The following examples will illustrate this particular trend or phenomenon .
” This is Creek Street . “
more correctly or fully expressed becomes
” This section of roadway is named Creek Street . “
” The object is a table . “
more correctly or fully expressed becomes
” The object here with the four protrusions is called a table . “
” He is dead .”
more correctly or fully expressed becomes
” He is now termed dead . “
” That is an igneous rock . “
more correctly or fully expressed becomes
” That rock is classified igneous . “
” That book is a spy thriller . “
more correctly or fully expressed becomes
” That book is categorised a fictional spy thriller . “
” The ant is an insect . “
more correctly or fully expressed becomes
” The ant is classed as an insect . “
” Our home is in Hurstville . “
more correctly or fully expressed becomes
” Our home is located within the suburb of Hurstville . “
” The beach is between the two rivers . “
more correctly or fully expressed becomes
” The beach is situated on the east coastline between the two river heads . “
” The long distance runner istowards the front of the field . “
more correctly or fully expressed becomes
” The long distance runner is positioned towards the front of the field . “
” A complement of ten workers is the minimum requirement . “
more correctly or fully expressed becomes
” A complement of ten workers is deemed the minimum legal requirement . “
” English is both a clever language and the end language . “
more correctly or fully expressed becomes
” English is considered both a clever language and the end language . “
En d glish – ” glish ” represents an archaic word meaning language
In grammatical reality the word ” is ” should mainly be used as an auxiliary verb for there will mostly exist a hidden verb used as qualification of ” is” or a word or sentence rearrangement that will replace the use and function of ” is “
A verb may only be made plural by a preceding auxiliary however a disturbing trend has arisen whereby the full verb is being written as a ” s ” plural . This misusage does occur by an omission of the preceding auxiliary .
” The introduction of unnecessary restriction makes life difficult . “
more correctly expressed will become
” The introduction of unnecessary restriction will make life difficult . “
This now current phenomenon occurs when an action is either unnecessarily prefaced by the implied element of such action or an action is unnecessarily expressed using two full verbs instead of a single verb thereby needlessly creating phrasal verbs .
” I will attempt tosolve the problem . “
better expressed will become either
” I will be solving the problem . ” – with the attempt element implied
” I will attempt a solution of the problem . ” – with the attempt element expressed
” I intend to visit the library later today . “
better expressed will become either
” I may visit the library later today . ” – with the intend element implied
” I could be visiting the library later today . ” – with the intend element implied
” I should be visiting the library later today . ” – with the intend element implied
” I will visit the library later today . ” – with the intendelement implied
” I will be visiting the library later today . ” – with the intend element implied
” I intend a library visitation later today . ” – with the intend element expressed
want to / like to / wish to – lie in the same category and should likewise be avoided
Note – using two full verbs for a single action doth represent a contradiction
This phenomenon will arise when a negative opposite is used rather than the direct word .
“ Don’t forget your bag . ”
better expressed will become
“ Remember your bag . ”
and fully expressd would become
“ Remember ( to ) take your bag . ”
but that would consequently form a double shuffle so the implied verb is omitted
with the pre-emptive exclamation becoming the verb .
This phenomenon should not exist as it initially arose when a verb was followed by
a word normally used as a preposition creating an independent meaning using two
words instead of a correct single verb . Prepositions are grammatically placed before object words and if the misplacement continues the language itself may eventually
lose many words through disuse . The foundation phenomenon creates associated phenomena but the underlying cause represents backward thought indicative of a
general language regression and decay .
Note -the single correct replacement verb and conjugation
will depend upon the context of the message
aware of – sense
boot up / computer – sequencing or sequentising
breaking down / machine or vehicle – malfunctioning
broke up / relationship – disengaged or decoupled or parted
broken up / a category – divided or reorganised
broken up / person – distraught
call back / phone – recontact
call back / personally – revisit
called on / advice or opinion – sought
came across / an object – encountered or found
came across / an impression / appeared
catch up / friendship / reacquaint
check out / investigate or examine or inspect or view
cheer up / rejoice
come back / return
cut out – a section / remove or eliminate or extract
cut out – machine / stopped
deal with / tolerate or contend
dispensed with / waive
drop off / deliver
drop off / sleep / dozed
falling apart – person / distraught
falling apart – object / deteriorating
fell apart – object / crumbled or disintegrated or fragmented
figured out / ascertained or determined or deciphered
find out / discover
filled in – employment staff / replaced or relieved
get by / survive or manage
get off – a train or bus and coach or wagon / alight
get off – a ridden horse / dismount
get off – a ship or aeroplane or spacecraft / disembark
get off – a pleasant activity / enjoy
get ready / prepare
get through / access or negotiate
give up / concede or surrender or cease
go through / penetrate
go to / visit or attend
go on – conversation / continue
go across – a specified area / traverse
going out – specific place / visiting or attending
going out – undetermined destination / roving
going out – personal interaction / socialising
grew up – child or person / matured
hang out – general / linger
hang out – specific /frequent or patronise
have to / must
hold off / delay or defer
join in / contribute
keep away / avoid
knocked back / rejected or refused
left out / omitted or excluded
look at / view or examine
look after / supervise or protect or guard or mind or watch
look into / investigate or examine
look out / heed
make up / fabricate
move in / resettle
move out / relocate
need to / must or should or could
off to / bound or destined
paid off / succeeded
pass on / convey or send
passed up / opportunity / rejected
pay out – personal / retaliate
pick up – loose objects / gather
pick up – specific objects and people / collect
plug in – device / connect
plugged in – person / informed or attuned
put away – object / store
put down – person / patronise or denigrate
put off – an activity / defer
see through – an activity / complete
see through – a misrepresentation /discern
sink in / resonate or permeate
stay away / avoid
switch off – a light / kill
switch off – a device / deactivate
switched on – a person / enlightened
talk about / discuss
take after / resemble
take out – personal / date or escort
think about / consider
think of – a memory / remember or recall
try on – clothing / sample or size
turn on – a light / kindle or luminate
turn on – a device / activate
turn on – sexually / arousing or exciting or stimulating
turns out – an occurrence / transpired
up to – activity / undertaking
wake up – awareness / think or consider or reason
wake up – sleep only / awake
wake up – sleep and rest / arise
walk on / continue
woke up – sleep only / awoke
woke up – sleep and rest / arose
working around / circumnavigating or circumventing
working through / evaluating or assessing or examining
work out /determine or ascertain or decipher or calculate
Note- Omission will form false phrasal verbs hence ……
” He logged his details onto the computer “
becomes / log on
” He entered the house by breaking inward the glass panel of the door “
becomes / break in – a phrasal verb
and also obtains / housebreaking – a noun or adjective or verb
and the legal term / break and enter
Note – needless addition by extension of the original omitted usage
will form false phrasal verbs hence
” shop around ” should remain the single word shopas the nature of the
activity involves seeking in many places and locations but it was originally derived
by omission from a bygone era of the corner store now predominantly s uperseded
by the shopping centre or complex
I shall fetch some milk from the shop around the corner
” hurry up ” should remain the single word hurry as the nature of the command
involves increasing the unstated actions rate of performance but it was originally derived by omission from a bygone era of overt class structured society now predominantly superseded by a covert class structured society under the illusory guise of ” equal opportunity “
” Hurry upstairs ” commanded the mistress from her bedroom on the upper level of the manor house to her servant girl located in the servants quarters on the ground level .
Note – if subjected to the above misused term refute the servant label or inference
tidy up / pack up represent other common false phrasal verbs of this nature
The Phrasal Verb – with more than two words
come up with / create or invent or devise or suggest or propose
get rid of / eradicate
ran out of / exhausted or depleted
put up with / tolerate
made fun of / ridiculed or derided or mocked or patronise
walk on by / pass or ignore
went out with / accompanied or dated or escorted
The phrasal verb will arise when two or more words replace a single correct word and function independently and possess the same meaning as that single correct word while omission or needless addition sometimes creates a false phrasal verb and such cannot be replaced by a single word or another single word
THE PHRASAL ADVERB – officially unrecognised as a separate category
at the end of the day / ultimately
every now and again / occasionally
once in a while / infrequently
once in a blue moon / rarely
by the way / incidentally
used to / once
Note – these list and the responses merely identify and illustrate phenomena or trends and should not be deemed comprehensive nor definitive but only a personal selection
The word ” is” may perform grammatically as an independent verb or an auxiliary verb but its classification will depend upon whether a verb has been inadvertently excluded or omitted . The following examples will illustrate this particular trend or phenomenon .
” This is Creek Street . “
more correctly or fully expressed shall become
” This section of roadway is named Creek Street . “
” The object is a table . “
more correctly or fully expressed shall become
” The object here with the four protrusions is called a table . “
” He is dead .”
more correctly or fully expressed shall become
” He is now termed dead . “
” That is an igneous rock . “
more correctly or fully expressed shall become
” That rock is classified igneous . “
” That book is a spy thriller . “
more correctly or fully expressed shall become
” That book is categorised a fictional spy thriller . “
” The ant is an insect . “
more correctly or fully expressed shall become
” The ant is classed an insect . “
” Our home is in Hurstville . “
more correctly or fully expressed shall become
” Our home is located within the suburb of Hurstville . “
” The beach is between the two rivers . “
more correctly or fully expressed shall become
” The beach is situated on the east coastline between the two river heads . “
” The long distance runner is towards the front of the field . “
more correctly or fully expressed shall become
” The long distance runner is positioned towards the front of the field . “
” A complement of ten workers is the minimum requirement . “
more correctly or fully expressed shall become
” A complement of ten workers is deemed the minimum legal requirement . “
” English is both a clever language and the end language . “
more correctly or fully expressed shall become
” English is considered both a clever language and the end language . “
En d glish – ” glish ” does represent an archaic word meaning language
In grammatical reality the word ” is ” should mainly be used as an auxiliary verb for there will mostly exist a hidden verb used as qualification of ” is” or a word
or sentence rearrangement that will replace the use and function of ” is “
A verb may only be made plural by a preceding auxiliary however a disturbing trend has arisen whereby the full verb is being written as a ” s ” plural . This misusage does occur by an omission of the preceding auxiliary .
” The introduction of unnecessary restriction makes life difficult . “
more correctly expressed will become
” The introduction of unnecessary restriction will make life difficult . “
This now current phenomenon occurs when an action is either unnecessarily prefaced by the implied element of such action or an action is unnecessarily expressed using two full verbs instead of a single verb thereby needlessly creating phrasal verbs .
” I will attempt tosolve the problem . “
better expressed will become either
” I will be solving the problem . ” – with the attempt element implied
” I will attempt a solution of the problem . ” – with the attempt element expressed
” I intend to visit the library later today . “
better expressed will become either
” I may visit the library later today . ” – with the intend element implied
” I could be visiting the library later today . ” – with the intend element implied
” I should be visiting the library later today . ” – with the intend element implied
” I will visit the library later today . ” – with the intendelement implied
” I will be visiting the library later today . ” – with the intend element implied
” I intend a library visitation later today . ” – with the intend element expressed
want to / like to / wish to – lie in the same category and should likewise be avoided
Note – using two full verbs for a single action doth represent a contradiction
This phenomenon will arise when a negative opposite is used rather than the direct word .
“ Don’t forget your bag . ”
better expressed will become
“ Remember your bag . ”
and fully expressd would become
“ Remember ( to ) take your bag . ”
but that would consequently form a double shuffle so the implied verb is omitted
with the pre-emptive exclamation becoming the verb .
PLURAL WORD ERADICATION ( 28 – 05 – 2022 )
Plural is defined as – a word form that will indicate more than one of a single thing
However there does exist a better word arrangement that can replace pluralisation
example – the O word ended fruit or vegetable . . . . . . avocado / potato / tomato
small ( loose ) quantity of such . . . . . .
six avocado / seven potato / nine tomato
why use the unnecessary and illogical present pluralisation of . . . . . .
six avocados or seven potatoes or nine tomatoes
moderate quantity of such . . . . . .
a ( 24 ) tray of avocado / a ( 20 kg ) bag of potato / a ( 10 kg ) box of tomato
why use the unnecessary and illogical present pluralisation of . . . . . .
a ( 24 ) tray of avocados / a ( 20 kg ) bag of potatoes / a ( 10 kg ) box of tomatoes
large quantity of such . . . . . .
an avocado grove / a potato field / a tomato hot house
or . . . . . .
a grove of avocado ( tree ) / a field of potato ( plant ) / a hot house of tomato ( plant )
why use the unnecessary and illogical present pluralisation of . . . . . .
a grove of avocados / a field of potatoes / a hot house of tomatoes
or . . . . . .
a grove of avocado trees / a field of potato plants / a hot house of tomato plants
unspecified time frame . . . . . . ( 07 – 07 – 22 )
that event did occur many a long year ago
why pluralise the word year in the manner . . . . . . that event did occur many years ago
This depicted grammar principle my be applied to many a single thing or almost anything
The present word plural system does covertly uphold – disconnectedness from the whole
the following plant identification list will show the scientific name and common name and full height and origin arranged from an Australian perspective
Araucaria heterophylla / Norfolk Island Pine / 43 m , naturalised , endemic ( Norfolk Island ) Callistemon viminalis / Weeping Bottle Brush / 12 m , native
Melaleucu viminalis / Weeping Bottle Brush / 12 m , native
Cupaniopsis anacardioides / Tuckeroo / 13 m , native
Lophostemon confertus / Brush box / 25 m , native
Tristania conferta / botanical name of Lophostemon confertus before 1982 transference
Jacaranda acutifolia / is stated as the name of Jacaranda mimosifolia by older sources Jacaranda mimosifolia / Blue Jacaranda / 15 m , naturalised , Bolivia S & Argentina NW
Platanus x hispanica / London Plane / 30 m , Spanish or English hybridization
Platanus x hybrida / London Plane Tree / 30 m, hybridisation / 3 x botanical names
Platanus x acerifolia ( London Plane ) 30 m , English or Spanish hybridization
Robinia pseudoacacia ‘ Frisia ‘ / Golden Robinia / 10 m , Dutch cultivar / 1935
Hydrangea macrophylla / Big Leaf Hydrangea / 2 m , SE Japan & S China
Buxus microphylla ‘ Japonica ‘ / Japanese Box / 3 m , Japan
Lavandula dentata / French Lavender / 1.5 m , NW Africa & the Balearic Islands / Spain Murraya paniculata / Orange Jessamine / 3 m , naturalised , SE Asia
Agapanthus praecox / Lily of the Nile / 1.5 m , naturalised , South Africa
Clivia miniata / Natal Lily / 45 cm , South Africa
Gazania rigens / Treasure Flower / 20 cm , naturalised , South Africa
Viola banksii / Australian Violet / 20 cm , native
Viola hederacea / Native Violet / 20 cm , native
Howea forsteriana / Kentia Palm / 15 m , endemic / Lord Howe Island
Washingtonia filifera / Desert Fan Palm / 18 m , SW USA & NW Mexico
Washingtonia robusta / Sky Duster Palm / 18 m , SW USA & NW Mexico
Bougainvillea spectabilis / Great Bougainvillea / 12 m , Amazon rainforest – mainly Brazil
Wisteria floribunda / Japanese Wisteria / 9 m , Japan
Wisteria sinensis / Chinese Wisteria / 9 m , China
Petunia x atkinsiana / Petunia / 30 cm , naturalised , English hybridization in 1834
Petunia x hybrida / Petunia / 30 cm, naturalised , English hybridization in 1834
Tagetes erecta / French Marigold / 50 cm , Central Mexico
Asplenium australasicum / Birds Nest Fern / 1.5 m , native
GRASS FEATURES ( top to bottom )
1 ) seed head or inflorescence – main identifier
2 ) stem
3 ) node
4 ) leaf blade – main identifier
5 ) collar – detailed identifier
6 ) ligule – detailed identifier
7 ) auricle – detailed identifier
8 ) sheath
9 ) crown
10 ) stolon
11 ) tiller
12 ) rhizome
13 ) fibrous roots
Types of Seed Dormancy – post shedding
Immature Embryo & Post Ripening
Impermeable Seed Coats – preventing entry of water / gas / chemical
Tough Seed Coats – providing mechanical embryo development resistance
Excessive Salts – halting continued embryo development
Chemical Inhibitors – inside fruit / in seed coat / in embryo – preventing germination
Natural Ending of Seed Dormancy – increasing seed permeability
Completion – of post ripening period
Attainment – of full embryonic maturity
Mechanical Abrasion – rupturing or weakening the seed coat
Microbial Action – weakening impermeable & tough seed coats
Growth Hormone Production – counteracting chemical inhibitors
Heat & Light & Cold – inactivating or oxidizing chemical inhibitors
Leaching – of chemical seed coat inhibitors & internal fruit inhibitors
Digestive Enzyme Action – of fruit feeding animals – particularly birds
patriarchy – rule by men only
matriarchy – rule by women only
monarchy – rule by a single male or female of divine royal lineage
diarchy – rule by the two in a joint arrangement
oligarchy – rule by the few with class dominance
heptarchy – rule by the seven based upon a principle of the ideal number
hegiarchy – rule by the priesthood in an arranged and preordained holy order
hierarchy – rule by the small select graded and ranked group with control dominance
anarchy – rule by the many who limit the size of power structure and dominion
1 ) Salt Water Crocodile ( 70 years )
2 ) Green Turtle ( 80 years )
3 ) Blue Whale ( 90 years )
4 ) Lake Sturgeon ( 117 years )
5 ) Galapagos Giant Tortoise ( 125 years )
6 ) Greenland Shark ( 272 years )
7 ) Black Coral ( 2200 years )
8 ) Immortal Jelly Fish ( biologically immortal – continuous regenerative capacity )
9 ) Human Being ( biologically immortal – continuous cellular growth replacement )
note – all mentioned nations are the 193 member states of the United Nations 2021
note – there is only one generally recognised capital city of any given nation
note – there is only one name for a national general population group
note – the sea is legally any part of the world interconnected surface salt water mass
note – there is only one global sea divided into four fully recognised named oceans
note – parenthesised after a nation or territory is its capital city or capital
note – parenthesised after a river is its nation of predominant flow
note – parenthesised after a capital city is its continent
note – parenthesised after a sea is its type
note – parenthesised after a harbour island is a close onshore suburb
note – parenthesised after a former harbour island is the suburb of its location
note – a marginal sea is an ocean division semi enclosed by land or submarine ridges
note – a mediterranean sea is an ocean arm almost completely enclosed by land mass
note – a contiguous sea is an open regional protrusion of an ocean into a land mass
note – a gyre sea is completely encircled and bounded by dynamic ocean currents
note – an antillean sea is primarily bounded and encircled by ocean island chains
note – Greenland is mostly covered by an ice sheet and may be 2 or 3 separate islands
note – there are 43 landlocked nations so the other 150 nations do possess a coastline
note – Greenland and Antartica were excluded from the longest national coastlines
D – general population group in the Caribbean
Dominican for Dominica ( Roseau )
Republic Dominican for Dominican Republic ( Santo Domingo )
G – general population group in West Africa
Guinean for Guinea ( Conakry )
Bissau Guinean for Guinea Bissau ( Bissau )
Equatorial Guinean for Equatorial Guinea ( Malabo )
Capital cities named by the addition of the word City after the name of the nation
Capital cities with the same name as the nation . . . . . .
Monaco ( Europe )
Singapore ( Asia )
San Marino ( Europe )
Nations landlocked within a single nation
Lesotho ( Maseru ) within South Africa
San Marino ( San Marino ) within Italy
Single O and Q and Y – nations ( all located in the Middle East ) . . . . . .
Oman ( Muscat )
Qatar ( Doha )
Yemen ( San’a )
Saint – nations ( all located in the Caribbean )
Saint Kitts and Nevis ( Basseterre )
Saint Lucia ( Castries )
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ( Kingstown )
Mediterranean Sea – island nations . . . . . .
Malta ( Valletta )
Cyprus ( Nicosia )
Z – nations . . . . . .
Zambia ( Lusaka )
Zimbabwe ( Harare )
F – nations . . . . . .
Fiji ( Suva )
Finland ( Helsinki )
France ( Paris )
H – nations . . . . . .
Haiti ( Port – au – Prince )
Honduras ( Tegucigalpa )
Hungary ( Budapest )
J – nations . . . . . .
Jamaica ( Kingston )
Japan ( Tokyo )
Jordon ( Amman )
V – nations . . . . . .
Vanuatu ( Port Vila )
Venezuela ( Caracas )
Vietnam ( Hanoi )
The 7 longest single named rivers . . . . . .
Nile River ( Egypt )
Amazon River ( Brazil )
Yangtze River ( China )
Hwang Ho River ( China )
Mekong River ( Laos )
Lena River ( Russia )
Congo River ( Democratic Republic of the Congo )
The 4 largest named surface freshwater lakes by volume . . . . . .
1 ) Lake Baikal ( Asia ) tectonic lake
2 ) Lake Tanganyika ( Africa ) tectonic lake
3 ) Lake Superior ( North America ) glacial lake
4 ) Lake Malawi ( Africa ) tectonic lake
The 4 named oceans . . . . . .
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Artic Ocean
The 9 largest named seas . . . . . .
1 ) Philippine Sea ( marginal )
2 ) Coral Sea ( marginal )
3 ) Arabian Sea ( contiguous )
4 ) South China Sea ( marginal )
5 ) Weddell Sea ( contiguous )
6 ) Sargasso Sea ( gyre )
7 ) Caribbean Sea ( antillean )
8 ) Mediterranean Sea ( mediterranean )
9 ) Tasman Sea ( marginal )
The 9 longest mainland national coastlines ( total world coastline 356 , 000 km )
1 ) Canada 202 , 280 km ( 56 . 82 % of world total coastline )
2 ) Indonesia 54 , 716 km ( 15 . 37 % of world total coastline )
3 ) Russia 37 , 653 km ( 10 . 58 % of total world coastline )
4 ) Philippines 36 , 289 km ( 9 . 35 % of total world coastline )
5 ) Japan 29 , 751 km ( 8 . 36 % of total world coastline )
6 ) Australia 25 , 760 km ( 7 . 24 % of total world coastline )
7 ) Norway 25 , 148 km ( 7 . 06 % of total world coastline )
8 ) USA 19 , 924 km ( 5 . 60 % of total world coastline )
9 ) New Zealand 15 , 134 km ( 4 . 25 % of total world coastline )
The 9 nations with the most islands . . . . . .
1 ) Norway 267 , 570
2 ) Sweden 239 , 057
3 ) Finland 178 , 947
4 ) Canada 52 , 455
5 ) USA 18 , 617
6 ) Indonesia 17 , 504
7 ) Australia 8 , 222
8 ) Philippines 7 , 641
9 ) Japan 6 , 852
The 9 generally recognised largest monoliths . . . . . .
1 ) Uluru ( Australia ) sandstone
2 ) Ben Amera ( Mauritania ) gabbro
3 ) El Capitan ( USA ) granite
4 ) Pena de Bernal or Bernal Peak ( Mexico ) dacite
5 ) Devils Tower ( USA ) phonolite & porphyry
6 ) Sigiriya ( Sri Lanka ) granite
7 ) El Penon de Guatape ( Colombia ) granite
8 ) Zuma Rock ( Nigeria ) gabbro & granodiorite
9 ) Rock of Gibraltar ( Gibraltar – UK external territory ) limestone & dolomite
The 5 largest meteor craters . . . . . .
1 ) Vredefort Crater ( South Africa ) 300 km
2 ) Sudbury Basin ( Canada ) 250 km
3 ) Chicxulub Crater ( Mexico ) 180 km
4 ) Woodleigh Crater ( Australia ) 160 km
5 ) Kara Crater ( Russia ) 120 km
The 6 largest fully visible land islands . . . . . .
1 ) New Guinea
2 ) Borneo
3 ) Madagascar
4 ) Baffin Island
5 ) Sumatra
6 ) Honshu
The 7 largest nations by land area – including any external territory but not Antarctica
1 ) Russia ( Moscow )
2 ) Canada ( Ottawa )
3 ) China ( Beijing )
4 ) USA ( Washington DC )
5 ) Brazil ( Brasilia )
6 ) Australia ( Canberra )
7 ) India ( New Delhi )
The 9 largest nations by population in ( January ) 2024
1 ) India ( New Delhi ) 1436 m
2 ) China ( Beijing ) 1425 m
3 ) USA ( Washington DC ) 341 m
4 ) Indonesia ( Jakarta ) 278 m
5 ) Pakistan ( Islamabad ) 243 m
6 ) Nigeria ( Abuja ) 226 m
7 ) Brazil ( Brasilia ) 217 m
8 ) Bangladesh ( Dhaka ) 173 m
9 ) Russia ( Moscow ) 144 m
The 6 nations with the highest average life expectancy ( 2019 )
1 ) Japan 84 . 63 years
2 ) Switzerland 83 . 78 years
3 ) Singapore 83 . 62 years
4 ) Spain 83 . 57 years
5 ) Italy 83 . 51 years
6 ) Australia 83 . 44 years
The 5 nations with no official language ( 2022 )
1 ) USA
2 ) United Kingdom
3 ) Australia
4 ) Costa Rica
5 ) Eritrea
The 9 World Nations with Nuclear Missiles ( 2020 )
1 ) Russia ( 5977 )
2 ) USA ( 5428 )
3 ) China ( 350 )
4 ) France ( 290 )
5 ) UK ( 225 )
6 ) Pakistan ( 165 )
7 ) India ( 160 )
8 ) Israel ( 90 )
9 ) North Korea ( 20 to 43 )
Host Nations of USA Nuclear Missiles ( November 2009 )
1 ) Italy ( 70 )
2 ) Belgium ( 20 )
3 ) Germany ( 20 )
4 ) Netherlands ( 20 )
5 ) Turkiye ( 20 )
Host Nations of Russian Nuclear Missiles ( August 2023 )
1 ) Belarus ( 130 )
Host Nations of British Nuclear Missiles ( unofficial )
1 ) Australia ( at least 20 between 1998 to 1999 )
Immigrant World Nations ( 2019 ) by population percentage born elsewhere
1 ) United Arab Emirates ( 87.9 % )
2 ) Qatar ( 78.7 % )
4 ) Luxembourg ( 47.4 % )
5 ) Oman ( 46 % )
6 ) Bahrain ( 45.2 % )
7 ) Saudi Arabia ( 38.3 % )
8 ) Singapore ( 37.1 % )
9 ) Jordon ( 33.1 % )
Racially Diverse World Nations ( 2023 ) by differing language
1 ) Uganda ( 93.02 % )
2 ) Liberia ( 90.84 % )
3 ) Madagascar ( 87.91 % )
4 ) Democratic Republic of the Congo ( 87.47 % )
5 ) Republic of the Congo ( 87.47 % )
6 ) Cameroon ( 86.35 % )
7 ) Chad ( 86.20 % )
8 ) Kenya ( 85.88 % )
9 ) Nigeria ( 85.05 % )
Racially Homogeneous World Nations ( 2023 ) by same language
1 ) North Korea ( 99.8 % )
2 ) South Korea ( 99.6 % )
3 ) Japan ( 98.8 % )
4 ) Tunisia ( 96.1 % )
5 ) Portugal ( 96 % )
6 ) Italy ( 96 % )
7 ) Poland ( 95.3 % )
8 ) Greece ( 94.1 % )
9 ) Netherlands ( 92.3 % )
World Languages ( 2022 ) by total number of speakers as 1st or 2nd language
1 ) English ( 1.452 billion )
2 ) Mandarin ( 1.118 billion )
3 ) Hindi ( 602.2 million )
4 ) Spanish ( 548.3 million )
5 ) French ( 274.1 million )
6 ) Arabic ( 274.0 million )
7 ) Bengali ( 272.7 million )
8 ) Russian ( 258.2 million )
9 ) Portuguese ( 257.7 million )
European nations which are not using the Euro dollar ( April 2024 )
1 ) Bulgaria – lev
2 ) Czech Republic – koruna
3 ) Denmark – krone
4 ) Hungary – forint
5 ) Poland – zloty
6 ) Romania – leu
7 ) Sweden – krona
The 4 named seas which partially surround Australia . . . . . . .
( clockwise from North to East )
the Timor Sea ( marginal to the Indian Ocean )
the Arafura Sea ( marginal to the Pacific Ocean )
the Coral Sea ( marginal to the Pacific Ocean )
the Tasman Sea ( marginal to the Pacific Ocean )
The 3 internal mainland territories of Australia
1 ) Australian Capital Territory ( Canberra )
2 ) Jervis Bay Territory ( Jervis Bay Village )
3 ) Northern Territory ( Darwin )
The 5 external island territories of Australia
1 ) Ashmore and Cartier Islands ( none ) unihabited
2 ) Christmas Island ( Flying Fish Cove )
3 ) Cocos ( Keeling ) Islands ( West Island )
4 ) Coral Sea Islands ( Willis Island )
5 ) Heard Island and McDonald Islands ( Atlas Cove ) no permanent population
The one external semi autonomous island territory of Australia
1 ) Norfolk Island ( Kingston )
The one external mainland territory of Australia
1 ) Australian Antarctic Territory ( Davis Station ) permanent temporary population
The 7 nations which have made territorial claims in Antarctica
1 ) Australia
2 ) Norway
3 ) New Zealand
4 ) France
5 ) United Kingdom ( overlapping territorial claim )
6 ) Argentina ( overlapping territorial claim )
7 ) Chile ( overlapping territorial claim )
Nations which have permanent research facilities in the Australian Antarctic Territory
1 ) Argentina ( Belgrano II / Carlini / Esperanza / Marambio / Orcadas / San Martín )
2 ) Australia ( Mawson / Davis / Casey )
3 ) Brazil ( Ferraz )
4 ) Chile ( Arturo Prat / Montalva / Escudero / Montalva / O ‘ Higgins / Villa Las Estrellas )
5 ) China ( Great Wall / Qinling / Zhong Shan )
6 ) France and Italy ( Concordia )
7 ) New Zealand ( Arrival Heights / Scott )
8 ) Poland ( Arctowski )
9 ) Russia ( Novolazarevskaya / Progress / Mirnyy / Vostok )
10 ) South Korea ( Jang Bogo / King Sejong )
11 ) USA ( Mc Murdo / Amundsen Scott / Palmer )
total land area of Antarctica is approximately 14 , 000 , 000 sq km
Australian land area of Antarctica is 5 , 896 , 500 sq km – approximately 42 percent
Australian mainland and external territory land area is 7 , 692 , 024 sq km
Australian total land area including Antarctica is 13 , 588 , 524 sq km
World total land area is 148 , 940 , 000 sq km
Australian total of world land area is 5 . 165 percent without Antarctica
Australian total of world land area is 9 . 123 percent with Antarctica
Russian total of world land area is 10 . 995 percent
Australian total of world land area with Antarctica is 2nd largest after Russia
Notable Australian State and Territory Sea Islands ( clockwise )
1 ) Lord Howe Island ( New South Wales ) Lord Howe Group ( 28 )
2 ) Macquarie Island ( Tasmania )
3 ) Flinders Island / Cape Barren Island / Clarke Island ( Tas ) Fumeaux Group ( 100 ? )
4 ) King Island ( Tasmania ) New Year Group ( 3 )
5 ) Kangaroo Island ( South Australia )
6 ) Woody Island ( Western Australia ) Recherche Archipelago ( 105 )
7 ) Rottnest Island ( Western Australia )
8 ) Barrow Island ( Western Australia )
9 ) Hermite Island / Trimouille Island ( Western Australia ) Monte Bello Islands ( 174 ? )
10 ) Dolphin Island ( Western Australia ) Dampier Archipelago ( 42 )
11 ) Bathurst Island / Melville Island ( Northern Territory )
12 ) Bickerton Island / Groot Eiland ( Northern Territory )
13 ) Mornington Island ( Queensland ) Wellesley Group ( 22 )
14 ) Muralag Island / Thursday Island ( Queensland ) Torres Strait Islands ( 274 )
15 ) Lizard Island ( Queensland – Munburra ) Lizard Group ( 4 )
16 ) High Island ( Queensland – Fishery Falls ) Frankland Group ( 5 )
17 ) Dunk Island ( Queensland – Tully ) Family Islands ( 9 )
18 ) Great Palm Island ( Queensland – Ingham ) Palm Islands ( 16 )
19 ) Magnetic Island ( Queensland – Townsville )
20 ) Whitsunday Island ( Queensland – Proserpine ) The Whitsundays (74 )
21 ) Great Keppel Island ( Queensland – Yeppoon ) Keppel Group ( 18 )
note – the question mark after a total island number does represent an approximation
note – the listed islands of the Great Barrier Reef show the nearby town or locality
Notable Coastal Rivers of Mainland Australia ( clockwise )
New South Wales
1 ) Tweed River ( 78 km ) Tweed Heads
2 ) Richmond River ( 394 km ) Ballina
3 ) Clarence River ( 394 km ) Yamba
4 ) Hastings River ( 180 km ) Port Macquarie
5 ) Manning River ( 261 km ) Harrington & Old Bar ( Double Delta )
6 ) Hunter River ( 300 km ) Newcastle
7 ) Hawkesbury River ( 120 km ) Broken Bay
8 ) Hacking River ( 26 km ) Port Hacking
9 ) Shoalhaven River ( 327 km ) Nowra
10 ) Clyde River ( 102 km ) Batemans Bay
11 ) Moruya River ( 19 km ) Moruya Heads
13 ) Tuross River ( 147 km ) Bodalla
14 ) Bega River ( 48 km ) Tathra
1 ) Towamba River ( 86 km ) Boydtown
2 ) Genoa River ( 95 km ) Gypsy Point
3 ) Wingam River ( 49 km) Wingam Inlet
4 ) Thurra River ( 71 km) Point Hicks
5 ) Cann River ( 102 km ) Tamboon Inlet
6 ) Bemm River ( 58 km ) Bemm River
7 ) Snowy River ( 352 km ) Marlo
8 ) Aire River ( 40 km ) Cape Otway
9 ) Gellibrand River ( 96 km ) Princetown
10 ) Curdies River ( 66 km ) Peterborough
11 ) Moyne River ( 82 km ) Port Fairy
12 ) Fitzroy River ( 58 km ) Tyrendarra
13 ) Surrey River ( 46 km ) Narrawong
14 ) Glenelg River ( 350 km ) Nelson
South Australia ( no significant coastal rivers )
Western Australia
i ) Goldfields Esperance Region
1 ) Lort River ( 130 km ) Stokes Inlet
2 ) Young River ( 95 km ) Stokes Inlet
3 ) Oldfield River ( 95 km ) Oldfield Estuary
4 ) Phillips River ( 120 km ) Culham Inlet
ii ) Great Southern Region
5 ) Hamersley River ( 40 km ) Hamersley Inlet
6 ) Fitzgerald River ( 80 km ) Fitzgerald Inlet
7 ) Gairdner River ( 130 km ) Gordon Inlet
8 ) Bremer River ( 70 km ) Bremer Bay
9 ) Pallinup River ( 250 km ) Beaufort Inlet
10 ) Kalgan River ( 140 km ) Oyster Harbour ( Albany )
11 ) Hay River ( 80 km ) Wilson Inlet
12 ) Denmark River ( 60 km ) Denmark
13 ) Kent River ( 140 km ) Irwin Inlet
14 ) Frankland River ( 162 km ) Nornalup
15 ) Shannon River ( 65 km ) Broke Inlet
iii ) South West Region
16 ) Warren River ( 137 km ) Warren Beach
17 ) Donnelly River ( 151 km ) between Black Point & Warren Beach
18 ) Blackwood River ( 300 km ) Hardy Inlet ( Augusta )
19 ) Margaret River ( 60 km ) Prevelly
iv ) Peel Region
20 ) Murray River ( 134 km ) Peel Inlet
21 ) Serpentine River ( 111 km ) Peel Inlet
v ) Perth Metropolitan Region
22 ) Swan River ( 72 km ) Fremantle ( Perth )
vi ) Wheatbelt Region
23 ) Moore River ( 193 km ) Guilderton
24 ) Hill River ( 86 km ) between Jurien Bay & Thirsty Point
vii ) Mid West Region
25 ) Irwin River ( 140 km ) Dongara
26 ) Greenough River ( 340 km ) Cape Burney
27 ) Chapman River ( 105 km ) Bluff Point ( Geraldton )
28 ) Hutt River ( 60 km ) Broken Anchor Bay ( Port Gregory )
29 ) Murchison River ( 820 km ) Kalbarri
viii ) Gascoyne Region
30 ) Gascoyne River ( 865 km ) Carnarvon
vix ) Pilbara Region
31 ) Ashburton River ( 680 km ) Old Onslow ( Onslow )
32 ) Cane River ( 168 km ) Yardie Landing
33 ) Robe River ( 276 km ) Robe Point
34 ) Fortescue River ( 760 km ) James Point ( Mardie Station )
35 ) Maitland River ( 92 km ) Regnard Bay ( Dampier )
36 ) Harding River ( 150 km ) Cossack ( Karratha )
37 ) Sherlock River ( 393 km ) Sherlock Bay
38 ) Yule River ( 190 km ) Cape Thouin
39 ) Turner River ( 236 km ) Boodarie Station ( Port Hedland )
40 ) De Grey River ( 193 km ) Breaker Inlet
x ) Kimberley Region
41 ) Fitzroy River ( 733 km ) King Sound ( Derby )
42 ) Roe River ( 66 km ) Prince Frederick Harbour
43 ) Mitchell River ( 117 km ) Walmsley Bay
44 ) King Edward River ( 221 km ) Honeymoon Bay
45 ) Drysdale River ( 432 km ) Napier Broome Bay
46 ) King George River ( 112 km ) Koolama Bay
47 ) Berkeley River ( 135 km ) Cape Saint Lambert
48 ) Durack River ( 306 km ) Cambridge Gulf – Wyndham
49 ) Ord River ( 651 km ) Cambridge Gulf – Wyndham
Northern Territory
1 ) Keep River ( 258 km ) Joseph Bonaparte Gulf
2 ) Victoria River ( 560 km ) Queens Channel
3 ) Moyle River ( 133 km ) Hyland Bay
4 ) Daly River ( 354 km ) Anson Bay
5 ) Reynolds River ( 130 km – estimate ) Anson Bay
6 ) Finniss River ( 90 km – estimate ) Fog Bay
7 ) Adelaide River ( 238 km ) Adam Bay
8 ) Mary River ( 225 km ) Chambers Bay
9 ) Wildman River ( 98 km ) Finke Bay
10 ) West Alligator River ( 80 km ) Van Diemen Gulf
11 ) South Alligator River ( 160 km ) Van Diemen Gulf
12 ) East Alligator River ( 160 km ) Van Diemen Gulf
13 ) Goomadeer River ( 138 km ) Junction Bay
14 ) Liverpool River ( 138 km ) Maningrida
15 ) Blyth River ( 175 km ) Boucaut Bay
16 ) Koolatong River ( 92 km ) Jalma Bay
17 ) Walker River ( 119 km ) Blue Mud Bay
18 ) Roper River ( 1010 km ) Port Roper – Limmen Bight
19 ) Limmen Bight River ( 105 km estimate ) Limmen Bight
20 ) Rosie River ( 76 km ) Rosie Creek Fishing Camp
21 ) Mc Arthur River ( 521 km ) Port Mc Arthur
22 ) Robertson River ( 215 km ) Gulf of Carpentaria
23 ) Calvert River ( 222 km ) Gulf of Carpentaria
1 ) Leichhardt River ( 630 km ) Kangaroo Point
2 ) Flinders River ( 1004 km ) Gulf of Carpentaria
3 ) Norman River ( 420 km ) Karumba
4 ) Mitchell River ( 750 km ) Wallaby Island
5 ) Holroyd River ( 325 km ) Kulinchin Outstation
6 ) Embley River ( 54 km ) Napranum
7 ) Mission River ( 37 km ) Weipa
8 ) Wenlock River ( 322 km ) Mapoon
9 ) Jardine River ( 162 km ) Van Spoult Head
10 ) Lockhart River ( 36 km ) Lloyd Bay
11 ) Stewart River ( 96 km ) Port Stewart
12 ) North Kennedy River ( 188 km ) Princess Charlotte Bay
13 ) Normanby River ( 350 km ) Princess Charlotte Bay
14 ) Jeannie River ( 43 km ) Murdock Point
15 ) Tully River ( 133 km ) Tully Heads
16 ) Herbert River ( 288 km ) Halifax
17 ) Haughton River ( 110 km ) Bowling Green Bay
18 ) Burdekin River ( 886 km ) Upstart Bay
19 ) Don River ( 60 km ) Bowen
20 ) Proserpine River ( 69 km ) Repulse Bay
21 ) Fitzroy River ( 480 km ) Keppel Bay
22 ) Burnett River ( 435 km ) Burnett Heads
23 ) Burram River ( 31 km ) Burram Heads
24 ) Mary River ( 291 km ) River Heads
25 ) Noosa River ( 60 km ) Noosa Heads
26 ) Brisbane River ( 344 km ) Moreton Bay
27 ) Coomera River ( 80 km ) Gold Coast Broadwater
The 8 islands of Sydney Harbour – outer to inner
east of Sydney Harbour Bridge . . . . . .
1 ) Shark Island ( Rose Bay ) National Park ( 1 . 5 ha )
2 ) Clark Island ( Double Bay ) National Park ( 0 . 9 ha )
3 ) Fort Denison ( Kirribilli ) National Park – NSW Heritage ( estimate 0 . 45 ha )
west of Sydney Harbour Bridge . . . . . .
4 ) Goat Island ( Balmain East ) National Park – NSW Heritage ( 5 . 9 ha )
5 ) Cockatoo Island ( Birchgrove ) Harbour Trust – World Heritage ( 17 . 9 ha )
6 ) Spectacle Island ( Drummoyne ) Commonwealth Naval Heritage ( estimate 2 . 6 ha )
7 ) Snapper Island ( Drummoyne ) Australian Navy ( 1 . 65 ha )
8 ) Rodd Island ( Five Dock ) National Park ( 0 . 67 ha )
The 6 former islands of Sydney Harbour – outer to inner
east of Sydney Harbour Bridge . . . . . .
1 ) Garden Island ( City of Sydney locality ) Commonwealth Naval Heritage
2 ) Bennelong Island ( Sydney CBD ) Opera House – World Heritage
west of Sydney Harbour Bridge . . . . . .
3 ) Darling Island ( Pyrmont )
4 ) Glebe Island ( Rozelle )
5 ) Berry Island ( Wollstonecraft ) Berry Island Reserve
6 ) Dawes Island – unnamed 2nd island thereof – both now Spectacle Island
Ethnic Languages spoken in Australia ( 2021 Census )
1 ) Mandarin ( 23.2 % )
2 ) Arabic ( 12.4 % )
3 ) Vietnamese ( 10.9 % )
4 ) Cantonese ( 10 % )
5 ) Punjabi ( 8.1 % )
6 ) Greek ( 7.8 % )
7 ) Italian ( 7.7 % )
8 ) Filipino ( 7.5 % )
9 ) Hindi ( 6.7 % )
basic animal classification
1 ) Mammal – human / dog / cat / dolphin / whale / monkey / kangaroo / horse / cow
2 ) Bird – song bird / chicken / duck / eagle / hawk / vulture / emu / ostrich / gull
3 ) Reptile – snake / lizard / turtle / tortoise / alligator / crocodile
4 ) Amphibian – frog / toad / newt / salamander / caecilian
5 ) Fish – shark / tuna / salmon / trout / carp / bream / cod / mackerel / mullet / anchovy
6 ) Invertebrate ( no backbone ) largest category ( 85 % are arthropods )
Protozoans – single cell organisms ( such as – amoebas and paramecia )
Annelids – earthworm , leech
Echinoderms – sea star , sea urchin , sea cucumber
Mollusks – octopus , squid , snail , slug , clam
Arthropods – insects , spiders , crustaceans ( such as – shrimp , crab , lobster )
No brain animals
1 ) Clam
2 ) comb jelly fish ( ctenophore )
3 ) Coral
4 ) earth worm
5 ) jelly fish ( medusa )
6 ) lancet fish
7 ) Leech
8 ) Oyster
9 ) Portuguese man o’ war or blue bottle ( siphonophore )
10 ) Sea anemone
11 ) Sea cucumber
12 ) Sea lily or crinoid
13 ) Sea sponge
14 ) Sea squirt ( ascidian )
15 ) Sea star or star fish
16 ) Sea urchin
Cartilaginous Fish ( no bone )
1 ) Shark
2 ) Ray
3 ) saw fish
4 ) Skate
Everything in this existence is manifested by thought which shall be governed by words
All words will contain a legalistic element ( law ) and a philosophical element ( lore )
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Fairly certain he’ll have a good read. Many thanks for sharing!
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Thanks for your article. I have generally seen that most people are desirous to lose weight simply because wish to look slim along with attractive. Having said that, they do not always realize that there are other benefits to losing weight as well. Doctors assert that fat people experience a variety of ailments that can be directly attributed to their own excess weight. The good news is that people who sadly are overweight in addition to suffering from a variety of diseases are able to reduce the severity of the illnesses simply by losing weight. You are able to see a steady but noted improvement with health whenever even a slight amount of weight loss is realized.
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Thanks for the tips you have discussed here. On top of that, I believe usually there are some factors which will keep your insurance premium lower. One is, to take into consideration buying vehicles that are inside the good list of car insurance businesses. Cars which might be expensive will be more at risk of being robbed. Aside from that insurance policies are also good value of your automobile, so the costlier it is, then the higher this premium you spend.
Yesterday, while I was at work, my cousin stole my iPad and tested to see if it can survive a forty foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My iPad is now destroyed and she has 83 views. I know this is completely off topic but I had to share it with someone!
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I have noticed that over the course of building a relationship with real estate proprietors, you’ll be able to get them to understand that, in each and every real estate financial transaction, a commission rate is paid. In the end, FSBO sellers will not “save” the commission payment. Rather, they fight to earn the commission by means of doing a strong agent’s job. In completing this task, they invest their money plus time to execute, as best they can, the obligations of an realtor. Those tasks include revealing the home by marketing, introducing the home to all buyers, making a sense of buyer desperation in order to make prompt an offer, making arrangement for home inspections, taking on qualification check ups with the bank, supervising maintenance, and assisting the closing.
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One more thing I would like to talk about is that as an alternative to trying to fit all your online degree classes on times that you finish work (as most people are exhausted when they return home), try to have most of your instructional classes on the weekends and only a couple courses for weekdays, even if it means taking some time away from your saturdays. This pays off because on the weekends, you will be much more rested and concentrated upon school work. Thanks alot : ) for the different ideas I have figured out from your blog site.
Another thing I’ve really noticed is that often for many people, low credit score is the consequence of circumstances further than their control. For example they may happen to be saddled by having an illness so that they have more bills going to collections. Maybe it’s due to a occupation loss or the inability to work. Sometimes separation and divorce can really send the finances in a downward direction. Thanks for sharing your opinions on this blog site.
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Thanks for your submission. I also feel that laptop computers have gotten more and more popular today, and now are usually the only type of computer found in a household. The reason being at the same time potentially they are becoming more and more reasonably priced, their processing power keeps growing to the point where they may be as powerful as desktop computers out of just a few years back.
Thanks for the suggestions about credit repair on this amazing blog. A few things i would offer as advice to people is always to give up the mentality that they can buy today and fork out later. Like a society all of us tend to do that for many things. This includes vacations, furniture, in addition to items we really want to have. However, you must separate your own wants out of the needs. If you are working to raise your credit ranking score actually you need some sacrifices. For example you may shop online to save money or you can turn to second hand suppliers instead of pricey department stores for clothing.
This is undoubtedly one of the greatest articles I’ve read on this topic! The author’s thorough knowledge and passion for the subject are evident in every paragraph. I’m so thankful for stumbling upon this piece as it has enriched my knowledge and sparked my curiosity even further. Thank you, author, for investing the time to craft such a remarkable article!
Thanks for your tips. One thing we have noticed is that banks in addition to financial institutions know the dimensions and spending behavior of consumers plus understand that many people max outside their cards around the trips. They correctly take advantage of this fact and begin flooding a person’s inbox and also snail-mail box using hundreds of no-interest APR credit cards offers soon after the holiday season concludes. Knowing that should you be like 98 of the American community, you’ll rush at the possible opportunity to consolidate card debt and switch balances to 0 annual percentage rates credit cards.
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Today, I went to the beachfront with my children. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is completely off topic but I had to tell someone!
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I have witnessed that sensible real estate agents almost everywhere are Promotion. They are recognizing that it’s more than simply placing a sign in the front property. It’s really pertaining to building human relationships with these vendors who one of these days will become buyers. So, when you give your time and effort to serving these vendors go it alone : the “Law of Reciprocity” kicks in. Interesting blog post.
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Well, one, yeah, I probably will eat way an extreme quantity of, too. But additionally, it just takes so much time, like, out of at some point. Like, it appears more handy, but when I’m not in the mood for that, that day, then it simply sort of ruins every thing, or perhaps. Hold them in my fitness center bag for after I neglect to eat.
Don’t be afraid to experiment, to try new issues and to fail. That’s how you find what works for you. Initially, my choice to become vegan was based on the well being side. Nevertheless, the more information I gained in regards to the adverse consequences of manufacturing facility farming, the extra my decision of dwelling a vegan lifestyle turned motivated by morality. I do not want to assist and contribute to one thing I think about as being wrong and unnecessary. For me, veganism is about doing the least hurt attainable, to respect all dwelling beings, the environment and ourselves. “I eat a very vegan food plan focused on complete plant foods” Hollie told Nice Vegan Athletes.
These, these meets always want individuals to do recognizing and loading. It’s an effective way to get entangled within the sport if you’re interested in it, however just go to a meet. You know, another factor I got here from, you realize, like I stated, I got here from aggressive hockey. And when you go into, like, a hockey event with teams that you’re enjoying towards, it’s very tense. The focus was on how much am I lifting?
You know, folks ask me all the time, and, you know, I train now at, like, a powerlifting specific health club, and I run into lots of people who have simply began powerlifting. They’ve been powerlifting for six months or a year. And they at all times ask me, like, you realize, should I compete? And my advice to everyone is compete as quickly as attainable. In 2020 she competed within the 64kg category and broke an incredible seventeen information at nationwide, continental and world report, together with six world data. Her top lifts have been 112 kg for squat, fifty nine kg for bench and 151 kg for deadlift (read more here).
Meals excessive in fiber are usually more satiating and may help regulate blood sugar ranges. Verify how a lot fiber is in the food and aim to determine on choices with higher fiber content. Vitamin labels are mandatory for most packaged foods. They provide essential information about the meals’s dietary content material.
Moreover, sweet potatoes and brown rice are glorious sources of complicated carbohydrates that help replenish glycogen stores following train. By incorporating these nutrient-rich foods, vegan powerlifters can successfully improve their workout efficiency, assist in athletic restoration, and meet their dietary intake necessities. Consumed after a exercise, this meal offers approximately 600 kcal of vitality, 30 g of protein, 90 g of carbohydrates, 20 g of wholesome fat, and 15 g of fiber.
Twelve years later, my best pal impressed me to go vegan. I am very joyful that my family and pals assist my decision. Once I go back house for holidays, there are at all times vegan food choices for me. My mom has began decreasing her animal product consumption and eating more plant-based food too. Initially from Ukraine, 29-year-old Anastasia grew up in Slovakia after which Germany. She now resides within the UK, where she is studying a PhD in Biochemistry and competing as a powerlifter. Anastasia splits her free time between a heavy training schedule and using science-based nutritional information to help others higher their food plan and overall wellbeing.
And then, you understand, not focusing on my look. And the appearance comes secondary, and it’ll change. It just takes a lot longer than a lot of people count on it to. And at the similar time, you know, simply figuring out that often, I actually have come to much more take pleasure in the way that I look, you know, but it wasn’t the focus.
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The sneakers are available in males’s sizes, and so they come with a premium box for safekeeping. The shoe’s mesh upper is designed to provide a light-weight really feel and enhanced airflow, maintaining your toes cool and dry throughout even essentially the most intense workouts. The underfoot rubber offers unmatched traction and a stable base, guaranteeing that you could transfer with confidence and ease. This cross trainer is designed with a midsole that features full rubber protection, delivering added cushioning and support for a cushty and spectacular exercise. Total, the Core Weightlifting Shoes are an excellent investment for severe lifters who’re looking for a high-quality, reliable, and comfy pair of sneakers. Whether Or Not you are deadlifting, powerlifting, or weight training, these shoes will allow you to achieve your fitness targets safely and successfully. Notable choices provide strong stability for heavy lifting and a versatile forefoot for dynamic movements.
We like that in addition they made us feel secure and supported on multiple surfaces within the gym. These sneakers feature two adjustable Velcro straps on the midfoot, which actually helped maintain our ft safe throughout lifts. Adidas’ The Total Footwear felt very supportive throughout lifts, thanks to the added Velcro strap over the laces that ensures a secure match. Their zero heel-to-toe drop and lack of cushion helped us drive into the ground and feel planted whereas doing squats and deadlifts, which additionally helped us keep higher form. Whereas testing, we felt less wobbly, and both our toes and ankles felt supported. High-quality weightlifting sneakers can price as a lot as $300, but there are great options from $100-$200.
We also appreciated its lightness and the responsiveness of its midsole. All these benefits come collectively to kind what we now contemplate the best minimalist gym shoe from Nike. The Nike Zoom Metcon Turbo 2 can additionally be noteworthy in terms of its flexibility. In our flexibility evaluation within the lab, we uncovered that this Nike shoe solely wanted 16.5N of drive to bend at 90 degrees. This shoe’s flexibility effectively widened our vary of motion, allowing us to carry out a higher variety of workouts with a lot ease. At 20.5 mm, the actual drop of this shoe didn’t deviate a lot from the specified number. This elevation within the heel helped hold our postures upright, which was fairly useful in preserving our overhead lifts and deadlifts steady and safe.
At 9.eight ounces or 277 grams, it’s definitely lighter than average, which weighs eleven.2 ounces or 317 grams. It is this very lightness that allowed us to throw ourselves higher when we did field jumps and different plyometric exercises. It’s just a little too messy that the bottom isn’t as inflexible as we would have wanted. It solely received a 1 out of 5 for torsional rigidity after giving it a good twist in the lab. Speaking of stability, the agency midsole additionally helped in getting rid of wobbliness. Our HA durometer pegged this shoe’s midsole softness score at ninety seven.zero, which is far higher, therefore firmer, than the seventy five.zero average.
They’re flexible within the forefoot for brief sprints and working intervals. At the identical time, they have a wide, stable base to maintain you in place while lifting weights. We wouldn’t wear them for running-only workouts, but for fast-paced interval lessons, these are a dream. According to Chris Crowthers, a certified coach and founding instructor at Brrrn in New York City, this shoe is equally steady and versatile. “The shoe can broaden in each course, which lets you unfold out your foot and get a solid basis on the ground whereas providing some stability for heavy lifting,” he says. It Is finest for CrossFitters or HIIT exercisers who may have some brief runs in their program but in addition must feel grounded during workout routines like thrusters, kettlebell swings, or wall balls.
These finest lifting shoes are designed specifically for weightlifting and training. The Beneath Armour TriBase Reign 2 is designed with a rubber outsole that provides glorious floor contact, vital for secure weightlifting and coaching. Next on our listing is the Adidas Powerlift 4, a prime contender in the realm of weightlifting shoes that’s beloved by many for its distinctive features. Completely Different brands are known for different stylistic parts and sizing tendencies. For instance, Adidas weightlifting sneakers are narrower than common, while these from Nike are much wider. When it involves deadlifting, it’s important to have a weightlifting shoe that gives stability, assist, and grip.
Whilst this doesn’t instantly assist you to raise weights, it may give you a lift in confidence. You’re probably acquainted with these sneakers as a end result of they’ve been around seemingly forever for informal put on. They also make a great inexpensive choice for people who desire a sturdy shoe that performs properly on and off the mat. This shoe’s “traction pods” help prevent undesirable modifications in direction or motion, and its flat, uncushioned base will increase your foot’s reference to the floor. While the Matcontrol 2 is specifically designed for wrestling, the options that make it good for wrestling also translate to the burden room. So, if you’re doing cross-training that takes you from the treadmill to the weight room and back, the Reebok Nano X2 can simply transition between actions.
If you’re into CrossFit, you’ve probably heard of the NoBull Trainer+ (Ya know, the NoBull CrossFit Games?). It Is versatile and can go from intense exercises to clean and jerks (lifting a barbell from your shoulders to overhead) without any points. I love the sole for its excessive traction—this means I don’t have to fret about slipping while in movement. Not solely does the Powerlift 5 run slim, but it also (in my opinion) runs a full-size small. Fortunately, due to the wide measurement range offered (it goes as much as 17!), you presumably can at all times measurement up.
Correct weightlifting sneakers embody elevated heels that let you keep better lifting positions. Most notably, you’ll expertise increased forward knee translation, a extra open hip angle, and a extra upright chest (1)(2). This is a more efficient place for squats and classic weightlifting actions and can additionally be safer by discouraging lumbar hyperextension (3). If you’re just beginning your power journey or not planning to carry ultra-heavy, I advocate the Adidas Powerlift 5 weightlifting sneakers. Nevertheless, severe lifters with a much bigger price range will profit from upgrading to a higher-end mannequin with higher specs.
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Japan / March 29th 2002 / 147 cm
Japan / July 11th 1984 / 160 cm
Venezuela / April 12th 1995 / 177 cm
Japan / April 15th 1997 / 166 cm
Japan / Feb 24th 2003 / 154 cm
USA / Oct 31st 1985 / 165 cm
Russia / Nov 27th 1991 / 173 cm
Japan / June 26th 1982 / 165 cm
Japan / Aug 10th 1975 / 167 cm
Sweden / Dec 05th 1992 / 176 cm
Japan / Feb 26th 1992 / 160 cm
Hawaii / June 29th 1978 / 165 cm
England / Feb 14th 1993 / 179 cm
Japan / Dec 02nd 1996 / 157 cm
Spain / May 29th 1986 / 174 cm
Russia / Feb 17th 1999 / 170 cm
France / Dec 06th 1994 / 157 cm
Japan / Dec 29th 1988 / 155 cm
Australia / Jan 28th 1994 / 178 cm
USA / June 03rd 1994 / 168 cm
USA / Feb 18th 1998 / 170 cm
USA / June 19th 1998 / 180 cm
Netherlands / Dec 20th 1983 / 178 cm
Japan / Nov 14th 1993 / 157 cm
Russia / Feb 06th 2000 / 166 cm
USA / Jan 21st 1997 / 178 cm
Thailand / Sept 06th 1998
Japan / Sept 23rd 1985 / 160 cm
Bulgaria / June 20th 1980 / 173 cm
Poland / Oct 02nd 1993 / 170 cm
USA / March 18th 1998 / 172 cm
Denmark / 177 cm
South Africa / Aug 07th 1975 / 177 cm
Japan / Nov 15th 1993 / 152 cm
Moldova / Oct 27th 1989 / 170 cm
Japan / April 11th 1964 / 160 cm
Japan / Jan 24th 2002 / 152 cm
Italy / Sept 24th 1994 / 178 cm
USA / Oct 07th 1995 / 175 cm
Denmark / July 21st 1993 / 177 cm
USA / June 29th 1991 / 178 cm
Russia / Aug 30th 1990 / 177 cm
Japan / Aug 26th 1994 / 149 cm
Japan / July 27th 1987 / 162 cm
Japan / Aug 14th 1990 / 163 cm
Ukraine / June 15th 1994 / 167 cm
Argentina / Sept 08th 1993 / 172 cm
Japan / March 31st 1998 / 158 cm
Brazil / June 01st 1993 / 178 cm
England / March 02nd 1989 / 170 cm
Australia / July 06th 1995 / 174 cm
England / July 11th 1991 / 173 cm
Japan / Nov 30th 1992 / 160 cm
Japan / May 23rd 1994 / 170 cm
Russia / Sept 22nd 1993 / 176 cm
Brazil / April 18th 1995 / 179 cm
Australia / Aug 06th 1996 / 171 cm
Hungary / April 24th 1995 / 167 cm
USA / Jan 16th 1995 / 173 cm
Germany / July 08th 1994 / 180 cm
Russia / July 12th 1985 / 178 cm
Czech Republic / July 07th 1994 / 171 cm
Ukraine / Oct 03rd 1990 / 168 cm
USA / July 19th 1990 / 170 cm
England / Nov 28th 1996
USA / March 22nd 1993 / 165 cm
Canada / July 17th 1989 / 175 cm
Colombia / March 09th 1967 / 173 cm
Brazil / Feb 06th 1993 / 167 cm
Japan / June 21st 1995 / 167 cm
Japan / Aug 15th 1996 / 165 cm
USA / March 06th 1996 / 174 cm
Japan / Aug 08th 1979 / 156 cm
USA / Oct 21st 1980 / 159 cm
France / Dec 30th 1993 / 180 cm
Australia / Oct 21st 1986 / 178 cm
Japan / March 12th 1999 / 151 cm
Australia / July 14th 1990 / 173 cm
Denmark / Aug 09th 1994 / 175 cm
South Africa / July 09th 1986 / 173 cm
Democratic Republic of the Congo / Oct 21st 1999 / 178 cm
USA / July 03rd 1980 / 163 cm
USA / April 18th 1997 / 173 cm
USA / Aug 11th 1974 / 173 cm
Poland / Feb 12th 1993 / 172 cm
Ukraine / Sept 09th 1992 / 173 cm
Netherlands / July 21st 2001 / 178 cm
Japan / Dec 03rd 1996 / 160 cm
Japan / April 11th 2001 / 156 cm
Japan / Dec 29th 1988 / 155 cm
USA / July 09th 1990 / 173 cm
USA / Aug 06th 1993 / 172 cm
USA / March 31st 1999 / 173 cm
Australia / Apr 27th 1998 / 175 cm
USA / Aug 27th 1997 / 171 cm
Venezuela / Sept 10th 1996 / 170 cm
Dominican Republic / Feb 04th 1998 / 165 cm
Netherlands / Sept 22nd 1983 / 177 cm
Australia / Oct 20th 1986 / 175 cm
USA / Nov 19th 2000 / 170 cm
USA / 16th May 1996 / 178 cm
Brazil / Nov 10th 1976 / 177 cm
Venezuela / July 15th 1983 / 173 cm
USA / Aug 11th 1994 / 176 cm
South Africa / Nov 16th 1994 / 175 cm
Armenia / March 22nd 1996 / 177 cm
Netherlands / Dec 18th 1994 / 178 cm
Dominican Republic / May 07th 1989 / 177 cm
USA / June 14th 1991 / 178 cm
Russia / June 29th 1990 / 181 cm
Denmark / May 11th 1992 / 179 cm
Japan / Dec 03rd 1997 / 160 cm
Japan / Nov 30th 1997 / 152 cm
Ukraine / Nov 19th 1991 / 170 cm
Australia / April 19th 1996 / 172 cm
Russia / Aug 14th 1989 / 173 cm
USA / Feb 22nd 1995 / 173 cm
Brazil / March 21st 1989 / 180 cm
USA / April 16th 1998 / 175 cm
Serbia / Nov 29th 1992 / 173 cm
USA / March 14th 1995 / 178 cm
England / May 22nd 1970 / 177 cm
USA / Sept 04th 1981 / 169 cm
Sweden / Feb 12th 1991 / 173 cm
Finland / March 17th 1996 / 178 cm
Finland / Dec 29th 1995 / 180 cm
USA / Sept 04th 1991 / 168 cm
Australia / July 11th 1991 / 173 cm
Czechoslovakia / Sept 15th 1988 / 173 cm
Ukraine / May 20th 1994 / 168 cm
Brazil / February 09th 1990 / 173 cm
Russia / Aug 08th 1990 / 173 cm
Canada / Sept 22nd 1997 / 170 cm
Ukraine / Jan 01st 1996 / 167 cm
Netherlands / Nov 23rd 1988 / 170 cm
USA / Dec 13th 1989 / 178 cm
Netherlands / July 19th 1995 / 179 cm
Brazil / 174 cm
England / June 04th 1995 / 177 cm
Czechoslovakia / March 21st 1978 / 180 cm
Brazil / April 11th 1991 / 175 cm
Puerto Rico / May 12th 1997 / 179 cm
France / Dec 06th 1994 / 164 cm
England / Sept 18th 1991 / 168 cm
Indonesia / March 26th 1996 / 156 cm
Germany / Jan 20th 1989 / 175 cm
Canada / July 06th 1985 / 173 cm
Japan / May 24th 1988 / 163 cm
Ukraine / June 15th 1994 / 163 cm
Japan / March 01st 1993 / 172 cm
USA / Aug 28th 1989 / 175 cm
Japan / Nov 30th 1996 / 165 cm
Greece / Nov 19th 1985 / 170 cm
USA / Sept 14th 1993 / 178 cm
USA / Nov 01st 1989 / 164 cm
Mexico / May 10th 1993 / 175 cm
USA / June 29th 1985 / 163 cm
Ukraine / Jan 01st 1994 / 170 cm
Netherlands / June 27th 1996 / 180 cm
Poland / Jan 22nd 1995 / 174 cm
USA / June 04th 1983 / 168 cm
Czechoslovakia / May 22nd 1990 / 163 cm
Hungary / March 06th 1997 / 175 cm
Russia / Aug 28th 1990 / 170 cm
China / June 06th 1985 / 162 cm
Ukraine / July 12th 1993 / 168 cm
USA / Feb 11th 1989 / 160 cm
Czechoslovakia / May 19th 1992 / 171 cm
Italy / March 19th 1984 / 174 cm
Denmark / March 26th 1992 / 175 cm
Japan / Sept 18th 1985 / 158 cm
France / Aug 07th 1980 / 174 cm
France / March 23rd 2000 / 175 cm
Israel / April 30th 1985 / 178 cm
Brazil / April 26th 1986 / 170 cm
Brazil / Feb 20th 1997 / 175 cm
USA / Oct 09th 1996 / 175 cm
Japan / Aug 16th 1993 / 159 cm
Australia / May 18th 2000 / 177 cm
Germany / Jan 10th 1994 / 163 cm
Australia / April 20th 1983 / 175 cm
Germany / March 23rd 1982 / 168 cm
USA / July 08th 1983 / 173 cm
South Africa / Oct 20th 1988 / 177 cm
Dominican Republic / April 18th 1998 / 175 cm
Russia / Dec 25th 1981 / 175 cm
Brazil / Feb 21st 1988 / 173 cm
France / Oct 20th 1992 / 175 cm
USA / March 09th 1993 / 169 cm
USA / Feb 27th 1992 / 173 cm
Russia / January 01st 1997 / 161 cm
Poland / June 12th 1995 / 170 cm
Poland / Nov 19th 1983 / 180 cm
Russia / Sept 16th 1989 / 167 cm
Hungary / Sept 06th 1984 / 175 cm
Czechoslovakia / May 28th 1983 / 165 cm
England / June 07th 1991 / 170 cm
Russia / August 23rd 1985 / 175 cm
Germany / June 01st 1973 / 176 cm
France / July 15th 1990 / 178 cm