It should be obvious that this so-called survey represents an election and not expression of an opinion . The main hidden agenda behind this unique bar coded no secret ballot exercise concerns the attempted obtainment of mass consent to reinforce the present marriage law ( primarily the legal definition of marriage ) both domestically and world wide . Australia has adopted an English Common Law definition of marriage being …… the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others , voluntarily entered into for life ” as per the Marriage Amendment Act 2004 ( Federal ) and thereby incorporated into the Marriage Act 1961 ( Federal ) . This definition implies four ( 4 ) main or prime elements for a legally valid marriage . The union ( marriage ) is sexually monogamous , life long , voluntary , and between an individual man and an individual woman .
Such exclusive lengthy unions are not only unhealthy and unnatural but represent society ‘s ultimate most extreme overtly covert general repressive control measure .
The real election for this particular matter as with all elections constitutes whether the individual elector should elect to become a voter or remain an elector . If one elects becoming a voter by lodging the Australian Bureau of Statistics survey form humanity ‘s full freedom of sexual expression will be further eroded and diminished .