The global fake virus scenario has now reached the next level which will mean total fixation upon the mass vaccine virus distribution and its administration . Fixation as a conceptual tool of a fraudulent activity does involve more than the initial obsessive preoccupation whether actual or feigned . All world nations have now directly experienced the obsessive preoccupation of governments and their associated parties by varying degrees through the unnecessary imposed restrictions such as border closures and lockdowns and curfews and compulsory face mask wearing and contact tracing and enforced medical testing and then quarantine for a positive test result which has culminated in the spread of the laboratory created virus through the various available vaccines . Obsessive preoccupation of fixation does eventually progress and emerge as obsessive attachment and does finally reach the obsessive dependency stage . The very credibility and continued existence of all current deluded world government at every level does now involve both the obsessive attachment and obsessive dependency fixation aspect concerning the population being voluntarily vaccinated . Mass media has been positioned at the forefront of the indoctrination process and is delivering unabatedly the virus misinformation to the trusting world population .

Those that are driving and implementing the preplanned fraudulent world virus agenda are now also increasing the momentum for the legalisation of euthanasia throughout the world . As previously indicated the full legalisation of euthanasia would give sound legal protection to the knowing instigators of the virus fiction with its resultant distribution and administration of the poisonous vaccines by circumnavigating the various established and entrenched world wide criminal codes concerning murder . Vaccination certificates will be emailed to vaccinated people in Australia so it should be apparent that those without such will have more limited opportunity by comparison . The able companion to the vaccination certificate could be a vaccination passport which may further restrict the unvaccinated .

Mania is directly linked and strongly bound with fixation and alternate highly elevated levels of enthusiasm in combination with correspondingly extreme and intense levels of despondency do represent its underlying fundamental characteristics . A maniac can only reduce the despondency by fixation and the enthusiasm gained from such . Megalomania which is defined as obsession with the exercise of power and control will thereby complete the motivating factors propelling the world wide virus scam . A continuous unrelenting virus scenario does provide an ideal environment for the  cycle of fixation and mania and megalomania to flourish . Because these three phenomenon feed and fuel each other any determination as to which may have preceded the other would be considered irrelevant .

It could be said that all those involved in the monumental self generated virus illusion have become drug addicts and need their fix . Unlike the conventional drug addicted person their addiction is present at the mental level . Fixation with contrived and total illusionary circumstances will become the mental fix and the perpetual three fold cycle previously mentioned does provide the impetus for the continuation and preservation of the illusion .

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