The Australian voting population will be subjected to an isolated referendum that is set and scheduled for the end of this year . Usually a referendum is incorporated as part of a general Federal election for the obvious practical reason of labour and monetary resource minimisation . The next Federal election should be held in 2025 . Apparently this particular referendum cannot be delayed until 2025 for some unknown reason but given its less than urgent nature such delay could safely be made without any detrimental consequence . In fact the referendum itself must be considered the most needless of all in Australian history and would be a serious contender as the most needless referendum in world history .
It could be construed that the Australian government is engaged in an activity that must be hidden from public scrutiny and the timing of the referendum will act as a major diversion . However any government national or otherwise shall always engage in activity that it must hide from broader censure for expediency . A prolonged lead time for any type of change will generally ensure and guarantee its eventual enactment . That outcome did transpire and result for the enactment of same sex marriage in Australia during 2017 so this tactic is now being repeated much more so for the voice to Parliament legislative structure .
The aboriginal population of Australia have now been exposed to Anglo European culture for well over 200 years and hence many generations to the point where their traditional and nomadic life style with its deep spiritual connection to the land and nature has almost been obliterated . This phenomenon has not just occurred in Australia but world wide . The spiritualism does still remain but its form has changed . It could be emphatically said that native spiritualism has been commercialised just the same as the commercialisation of the homosexual lifestyle with the derived mardi gras and the same sex marriage phenomena . In essence the age old battle between the perspectives of spiritualism and materialism and idealism ( dreamtime ) does continue as a legalistic civilised manifestation thereof . It may be academically and intellectually considered an integrated cultural evolution or a natural sequential progression development .
The pragmatist should clearly see that the created available positions for the outlined voice to parliament structure would be largely filled by the highly educated element of the aboriginal population which will be ingrained and instilled with a completely westernized materialistic outlook and viewpoint . Their ancestral heritage shall be instantly ignored and forgotten in such a bureaucratic environment of cut and trust that is totally divorced and severed from the idealistic dreamtime . Fuller international control and access to vital Australian mineral and energy resources especially the abundant reserves of quality uranium while simultaneously circumnavigating and side stepping land usage rights for all Australians would most likely represent the objective but the international demand for such can be easily fulfilled by the present functional and established regimes that have been carefully put in place over recent decades .
This is a great article!
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This is a great article!