Category Archives: Federal Edwina


Predictably as of January 05th 2021 the virus ( genetically modified bacteria ) has already been released upon a predominantly unsuspecting and indoctrinated world population as vaccines . Part of the indoctrination process has and still does involve the compulsory wearing of face masks in many public situations but a kinky aspect is attached to such a practice because many occult sex orientated ritual gatherings also use face mask wearing . Sexual activity during these orgies would be considered very vigorous and sustained by normal standards and it does not involve usage of the mouth . Face mask wearing by the general population is hence giving symbolic support and endorsement to that class of kinky sexual activity .

Contrary to what official sources claim rather than slow a real virus progression face mask wearing would exacerbate and facilitate an infectious virus spread by the increased body carbon dioxide level of such wearers . A very significant and quite substantial proportion of humanity have now become potential living biological incubators for not only a virus but the whole gamut of micro organisms and pathogens . Direct distribution of the virus in a vaccine form to the eager and willing human incubators shall primarily mean an actual self induced spread .

Standard methodology will be deployed hence the distributed vaccines will become the sleeper bio chemical agent so a different trigger bio chemical must also be utilised each time to activate every different vaccine . Depending upon the ultimate aim and purpose of the scam warfare initiators and instigators the physical distribution and activation affect could be anything from premature death to elemental genetic modification . Regardless of any physical affect the meta physical consequences will undoubtedly be far reaching and ever lasting despite the mask party atmosphere giving a false impression by disguising the hidden agenda/s .




What did say  – when asked the reason  –  ?

Q   What did God say when asked the reason for wearing a mask ?
A   I could no longer tolerate being upstaged by the Devil .


Q   What did the zombie say when asked the reason for wearing a mask ?
A   I don’t like offending other zombies .


Q   What did the unmasked person say when asked the reason for not wearing a mask ?
A   It’s okay  –  I’m just taking a breather .



The world wide phenomenon of a virus outbreak requiring co ordinated regressive large scale control measures to combat its continuing spread doth possess all the hallmarks of one gigantic monumental scam with a multi faceted hidden agenda . It is strongly doubtful that the pathogen called a virus like its computer counterpart could be considered in any way a natural occurrence . Firstly , the scientific community have never classified a virus as a totally living organism . Secondly , viruses were once the largest of the micro organisms but since the early 1970’s they have now been categorised smaller than bacteria. This change along with the lack of life characteristics strongly indicate that viruses are not only unnatural but are entirely an artificial man made bio chemical genetic entity which is being continually refined and developed . If so they could be called in their own right a biological weapon and a deliberately constructed instrument of biological warfare . While traditional overt warfare does deliver a quick and tangible visible result covert warfare is much more effective because of its subtle nature . The general population will not readily recognise warfare of the covert type as such .

Because the new generation viruses have undergone a size reduction they may now only be seen with the aid of an electron microscope which is only used by a small segment of scientist and hence a very insignificant portion of the total population which does introduce a distinct possibility and doth make it highly probable that this virus phenomenon has been  entirely faked as only a few easily controllable individuals can determine the matter one way or the other . If the whole virus scenario has been faked with there being no actual virus surfacing at this stage it is thereby predominantly a propaganda war .

Propaganda is used as an instrument to impose a certain mentality or mindset upon an  unsuspecting and gullible targeted section of the population and does form the prelude to the physical warfare whether overt or covert . While the actual final developed virus may not have surfaced yet the regressive control measures certainly have emerged in the form of such things as curfews and lockdowns and border closures and non essential business closures and enforced quarantine and social isolation and store entry limitation and the contact tracing registration . The most potent part of the covert warfare thus far has been the body temperature checks using thermometers that direct a concentrated infra red beam at the forehead which does penetrate the scull into the brain tissue whereby laser pointers that do emit a similar but more intense infra red beam have been legally classified as a prohibited weapon . This technology is dangerous and detrimental to human health when it is utilised in such a manner however the medical authorities have declared the practice safe by publishing more propaganda . The real virus which would have certainly been developed before the virus scenario was enacted will undoubtedly surface on a large scale basis in the guise of mass vaccination and immunisation ( biological weaponry ) and thereby will constitute the main covert part of the warfare .

Almost completely undetected and unnoticed were the computer viruses inflicted upon most of the worlds computer networks and implemented during the height of the so called non essential business closures . Only a mere handful of individuals would know the far reaching effects and consequences of such implementation .

In summary and conclusion if there was a genuine virus outbreak actually affecting a very small percentage of the population it would not and does not justify the regressive control measures taken to constrict and contain its progression . It is demonstrative of the classic situation whereby a vast majority do suffer unnecessarily and needlessly for the sake of an insignificant minority . Loss of liberty and freedom is equal to any form of suffering and does form the basis of all human suffering .


Survey Question  –  Should the law be changed to allow same – sex couples to marry ?

YES   or   NO   –  mark one box only

Survey Result       number  and  percent of total

Electors – total       16 , 006 , 180

Voters – yes                                           7 , 817 , 247                      or   48 . 84 %   of   16 , 006 , 180
Voters – no                                             4 , 873 , 987                     or   30 . 45 %   of   16 , 006 , 180
informal  vote                                              36 , 686                      or   00 . 23 %   of   16 , 006 , 180
no  response                                         3 , 278 , 260                      or   20 . 48 %   of   16 , 006 , 180

Survey Review       not signed / not sealed / not delivered

In essence 79.52 % of  the surveyed electors which did represent the combined yes and no and informal vote , consciously or unconsciously , supported marriage – or sexual control and repression – while 20.48 % of the surveyed electors – the non respondents – did not  so support marriage . The vote result would have been considered irrelevant and immaterial by its  orchestrators  providing over 50 % of electors lodged the form hence the emotive and heated 6 week lodgement prelude period . Two common English gaming expressions exemplify and explain this scenario

a two horse race
   –   conventionally  meaning there being  only  2 possible results despite the participation  number or option choice  associated with an event – horse race – when in reality  there  exist only the  one  desired  outcome  of control  –  by feigned competition

horses for courses   –   conventionally meaning  different  people , horses , are suited  for different things or situations , courses , when  in  reality  horses , people , are  easier  lead both  individually  and  especially  collectively  along  clearly defined  and  outlined courses
– or  known and structured options requiring minimal personal thought and responsibility

A  true  legal  mandate  requires  a real  simple  majority of  half & half again which means at least 75 % total elector support and not  the  simplistic current corrupted  50 %  plus ( 1 ) of  the vote – or electors  that  voted  in  an  election  . Neither the Yes  or  No advocates  for the Marriage Law Postal Survey  of  2017 achieved that so there exist  no  mandate but a proper legal  mandate  on  such  an issue  would  have required at  least  90 %  total elector support

Because  the  pre-survey  legislation  defined  marriage  as  being  between a woman  and  a man  there  did not exist  reason for  a  NO  survey  form  option  other than  provoking mass form lodgement . In  a situation  whereby  YES   presented  as  the  only  survey option  then the  No  advocates  would  not  have  lodged  the  survey  form   thereby  making  the  whole exercise  a  true  survey  of  all  electors  rather  than it  being a vote amongst  an elector mix


It should be obvious that this so-called survey represents  an  election  and  not  expression of an opinion . The  main  hidden  agenda  behind this  unique  bar  coded  no  secret  ballot exercise concerns  the  attempted  obtainment  of  mass  consent  to  reinforce  the  present marriage law ( primarily  the  legal  definition  of  marriage )  both  domestically  and  world  wide .  Australia  has  adopted an  English Common Law  definition of marriage  being  …… the union of  a man and a woman to the  exclusion of  all  others  ,  voluntarily  entered  into for life ” as per  the  Marriage  Amendment  Act  2004  ( Federal ) and  thereby  incorporated  into  the  Marriage  Act  1961  (  Federal  ) . This  definition  implies  four  ( 4 )  main  or  prime elements for a  legally  valid  marriage . The  union ( marriage )  is  sexually  monogamous , life  long  ,  voluntary  ,  and   between   an   individual   man   and   an   individual   woman  .

Such   exclusive   lengthy   unions   are  not  only  unhealthy  and  unnatural  but represent society ‘s   ultimate   most   extreme   overtly  covert   general   repressive  control  measure .

The  real   election  for   this   particular  matter  as  with  all  elections  constitutes   whether  the   individual  elector   should  elect   to  become   a   voter  or   remain  an  elector .  If  one elects   becoming   a  voter  by  lodging   the  Australian   Bureau  of  Statistics   survey   form humanity ‘s  full  freedom of  sexual  expression  will  be further  eroded  and  diminished .



To    Everybody    in    the    Federal    Cook    Electorate       Sydney  ,  Australia

Election  Petition  2013  is  now  ready  for  download   click here for a full copy  
or   follow   the   link    Election Petition 2013   to   see   individual   pages

regards   ,   graeme   edwina   strang     18  /  02  /  2014


will  constitute   the   second  –  2nd  –  part   of   the   Election   Petition   process
and   should   likewise   be   published   if   the   opportunity  doth present  itself

regards  again  ,  graeme  edwina  strang    07 / 11 / 2017



St George area residence / Photographer & Model / Vegan / height 172 cm / weight 58 kg
Single   –   never  married   /   Heterosexual   /   male  Crossdresser    known   as   EDWINA 

 Born  –  October  14th  1956  

To Cook electors desirous of becoming voters . Penalty for remaining an elector still only $20 . Welcome once more to the limitations of limitation . Again on offer is opportunity for major economic reorganisation to the benefit of all . A mass mental block or an epidemic of “ it can’t be done ” syndrome is preventing such from occurring . To those who think such your attention is drawn to the fact that government throughout the world do possess the power to create and issue currency . In a monetary socio economic society this should be the prime function of government . The creation and issue of currency is not inflationary if its distribution is frequently and evenly and equally dispensed . All does presently enter the economy by way of credit in the form of loans from the private banking system . It is debt currency from the outset . This situation is needless and harmful and detrimental . Economic reorganisation would concentrate on 6 key areas . Firstly , abolish all taxation . Legal consent for all government   agenda does form the hidden reason for taxation .   Defence or organised warfare will constitute the main activity of present government with much of it covert . Remove the concept of taxation and the legal foundation of war is also removed . It is interesting to note that all political parties from the extreme left to extreme right will have a taxation policy . Secondly , abolish usury or interest on loans . The concept of usury does represent a disguised form of taxation . Thirdly , abolish the foreign exchange market . One unit of one national currency to equal one unit of another national currency . Fourthly , abolish the share market and all related markets such as bonds and futures and commodities and options . Trading in contracts does represents pure gambling and pure gambling should be eliminated from legitimate trade . Fifthly , no privatisation of anything that is classified a public asset or utility . These are built by the community for general community use . The construction and maintenance and improvement of such should be solely a community cost . Any service from a public asset or utility would be available at no cost to the user in the form of free public transport and free electricity and  water supply and toll free roadways . Sixthly , direct issue of currency unconditionally to all individuals in society providing life’s basics such as essential food , clothing , and accommodation . It is an entitlement and not a gift . The selfish motivation for paid employment would then become the acquisition of the extras or luxuries . Now a mention on other matters . Given that marriage as an established institution does still represent the dominant form of sexual repression in society and a significant portion of society do indulge it should be made more accommodating . The repeal or abolishment of bigamy as a law would allow a male to have more than one wife simultaneously and a female to have more than one husband simultaneously and the broader child sharing aspect of such changed relationships may solve rapid world population growth and may reduce the call for same sex marriage and may make marriage much more appealable and thereby should result in the reduction of divorce . Society in general and authorities in particular should not place any unwarranted pressure upon parents to vaccinate their children . It must always remain a complete free choice . If anyone thinks that a Republic is better than a Constitutional Monarchy then know that under the former an individual is wholly and solely regarded as a name and number while the latter shall give complete recognition and acknowledgement of the ones spiritual aspect .  A woman can only conceive for about two hours each lunar month when the Sun and Moon are exactly the same number of degrees apart as they were at her first breath on birth . When the Moon arrives at that certain angle for a particular woman in a negative Zodiac sign the child will be female while Moon arrival in a positive Zodiac sign will result in the child being male . This was once general knowledge and if so again would alleviate many current social dilemmas .

HOW to VOTE on the House of Representatives Ballot Paper for Cook  –  number all listed candidates consecutively according to personal preference .

This material was written and printed and modelled and authorised and distributed by
Graeme Edwina Strang  1/12 Letitia Street OATLEY NSW 2223  0451651486 & 0451651498