Category Archives: Federal Edwina



All medications and vaccines are broadly classified as a drug . They are artificially made chemical and bio chemical substances that cause harm to human health and ultimately will contribute to premature death . Medications do posses a defined chemical formula whereas vaccines do not have such . A vaccine could thereby be defined as a medication without a formula . This little publicised fact does make a vaccine the most dangerous and deadly drug known to humanity because of the unpredictable long term consequences .

There is no such thing as a safe drug . All drugs without exception will detrimentally affect the human body . The effects of some drugs will be more potent than others so whenever the medical authorities do rate the safety of a particular drug it is totally based upon a comparative foundation. Comparative safety methodology does veil the real situation and is deliberately designed to misguide and mislead . Quackery doth still abound within the current medical fraternity and has been refined to the point where a particular class of quacks called medical advisers have been given an undeservedly revered status .

In the organised criminal drug trade there exist three loose categories of firstly drug lord being positioned at the hierarchical top and secondly drug pusher being placed toward the hierarchical middle and thirdly junkie who will now take the hierarchical bottom of this simplistic illustrative outline . A junkie is dictionary defined as one with a compulsive habit or obsessive dependency upon something . A conventional examination of this current world fake virus scenario will equate a vaccine manufacturer as the drug lord then medical authority and government as the drug pusher then a vaccine recipient as the junkie .

An intelligent viewpoint however will see the drug lord and the drug pusher as the junkie or more fully and descriptively expressed as the viro vax junkie or vaxoid while the vaccine recipient or vaxee is merely the unwitting victim of such . The vaxoid is obsessed with the creation of a false and fraudulent mass vaccination scenario for selective group power and control . When the a and x letters are removed from the newly devised word vaxoid the word void will remain . That does perfectly reveal and expose the mentality of those who needlessly intervene and forcefully promote vaccination . All void and no substance . They will never openly concede that a naturally healthy human being is not susceptible to any disease or sickness or illness .

The real key to a naturally healthy general population is allowing the individual complete determination of their own health matters instead of interfering domineering governance . However that will always appear too simplistic for an authoritarian mind who cannot resist a quick fix and a multiple hit in both their full word sense and extended word meaning .


CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 officially named by the World Health Organisation ( WHO )
on February 11th 2020 is usually abbreviated to COVID – 19 by a selection of letters and numbers within the full term . However unofficially it could also represent the first letter of certain words and the last two numbers of the chosen year and the appearance but not the inclusion of two key missing words and two key extrapolated words . It would thereby translate as Contain Ostracise Vilify Irrationalise Discredit ( the ) one 1 ( in ) nine 9

That above mentioned unofficial derived version is depicting the verb form hence making it a sentence of command . It may also be interpreted as an order . The noun form of such with the appearance but not inclusion of three key words and two key extrapolated words will become . . . . . . Containment Ostricisation Vilification Irrationalization Discreditation
( of the ) one 1 ( in ) nine 9 . . . . . . with both the verb and noun form of the unofficial derived version also serving as mottos .

Addition of total letters in the main word body of the prior stated verb form will calculate as 6 + 9 + 6 + 13 + 9 = 41 while the addition of total letters in the main word body of the prior stated noun form will calculate as 11 + 13 + 12 + 17 + 14 = 67 . By reduction of the two calculated totals to single numbers . . . 4 + 1 = 5 ( total ) and 6 + 7 = 13 then 1 + 3 = 4 ( total ) it will give by the addition of the reduction totals . . . . . . 5 + 4 = 9 . . . . . . with 9 being the number of completion which does temporarily become fait accompligame over

However COVID – 19 hath now been decoded which will mean continuation of the game afresh . The derived number form of the one in nine expressed as a fraction will become
1 / 9 th while expressed as a percentage will become 11.1111 per cent repeated infinitively . Viro vax survey statistics do portray this percentage figure as the segment of the eligible population that will not choose vaccination as an option .

Corona as a word does chiefly define as the gaseous envelope of star . It doth broadly mean the atmosphere of a star which will also include its photon belt . All stars possess a photon belt . The interaction between the photon belt of our sun and that of the star called Alcyone has begun and already a slight phosphorescent luminous night glow can now be detected as outlined in the Photon Earth Vax post by those with the required awareness and insight . That glow is manifesting from night to day rather than day to night .

Ultimately the entire hidden agenda of the fake viro vax scenario has been directed toward the one in nine . It will now become a prolonged and protracted contest between the ego driven motivation of those that have orchestrated this situation and the ethical conscience derived resilience of those who ignore the contrived extortionist enticement of vaccination as a viable health measure . The bulk of humanity will act as unwitting spectators .


The current fake and fraudulent virus scenario has been bolstered with the pivotal strategic term of anti-vaxer . World viro vax government have become growingly dependent upon this particular hyphenated word as a way of deflecting their total and utterly contemptible extortionist enforcement of vaccination upon a begrudging and resentful population .

While vax is representative of a simplified and convenient single word for both vaccination and vaccine the term or word anti-vaxer does miserably fail as such because there exist no opposite equivalent . The word vaxer could be used and tentatively defined as the person who will and doth physically administer the vaccine or vax to another person and may eventually become the common word for a person who is given this function as there does not presently exist a readily identifiable single word for such . That other person or victim recipient of the vaccine could be called the vaxee which may consequently become the equivalent for the two words of vaccinated person . There cannot thus exist an opposite term for vaxer as that word is confined to a person with a specific duty and is thereby not grammatically extendable to a concept or procedure or process .

The term anti-vaxxer was listed by major dictionaries around the year 2009 so it is cited as a very recent creation with an even more recent general recognition but not general usage . It is only mentioned and used by authoritarian sources which alone does explicitly indicate the present virus scenario as a complete and monumental orchestrated scam and fraud .

Anti-vaxxer with a double x – letter arrangement in the newly created hyphenated word is imitating the double – c letter arrangement in the word vaccine . As the cc of vaccine does represent a single x – letter sound it must be shown by a single x – letter if spelt that way and English spelling rules do forbid the doubling of the last word consonant letters of w and x and y .

Furthermore the term anti-vaxxer was undoubtedly created by authoritarian sources as the ordinary general population never commonly use the word . It was deliberately designed as a derogatory term to conjure an unfavourable image and discredit any opposition for the world vaccination programme but it has backfired as such by the previously outlined word logic . If that word is used by anybody it will instantly reveal them as either dictatorial authoritarians or unintelligent authoritarian sympathizers .

Perhaps the English expression or idiom the devil is in the detail should become the devil will be revealed by the detail . Devils images are often depicted with a pitchfork because they speak with a forked tongue . Those who are driving the current fake virus scenario are definitely pitching the fork so they should be easily perceived as devils in a very thinly veiled disguise .


Although a virus is made by genetic modification of bacteria it like natural occurring micro organisms may detrimentally affect more complex earthly lifeforms if they are unhealthy . No natural micro-organism can detrimentally affect a healthy lifeform . The whole problem with human health and wellbeing is specific determination of what will constitute good health . Unfortunately ego does often present an obstacle in such determination .

Optimum human health does mainly involve consumption of suitable food . While eating animal derived food is possible for a human being such cannot be fully digested by the body as unlike carnivorous animals a human does not possess all the required digestive enzymes for that function . Modern humanity has now reached a level whereby a full range of plant food is readily available subject to politically motivated interruption of supply and production . Some forms of available plant derived food are better and more suitable than others so leaving aside more specialist concepts such as pristine natural mineralised water drinking and breatharianism it will then become a matter of personal selection from the entire offering within the plant food range .

Many dietary health sources will place more emphasis upon raw plant food rather than fully processed plant food but surprisingly simple processed plant food is generally the better option . If an individual does find and consume healthy food there is no need of any other consumptive uptake such as medicine and drugs . Vaccines unlike their entirely chemical medicine and drug counterparts are biologically produced substances that will supposedly contain a replicated virus part . However vaccines are more correctly seen as complex bio chemical solution compounds which house a dormant virus awaiting to be awakened .

In Australia approximately 41 per cent of the population 16 years of age and above have been fully vaccinated for the current so called pandemic virus . To place that statistic in better perspective approximately 41 per cent of those Australians over the age of 16 years have been virus contaminated . They have thereby become definitive virus carriers and will eventually suffer the effects of such in varying degrees . No thinking individual who does adopt a healthy lifestyle would ever willingly become vaccinated . Given the current fake world virus scenario the first simple step to good health is refusing virus contamination .


Earth in its physical cosmic journey through space first encountered the photon belt of a star called Alcyone for this occasion on February 04th 1962 . Yet another age of Aquarius began with the passing of that date as yet another age of Pisces ended . It doth form part of the Great Cycle as our Solar System is continuing its orbital path around Alcyone . Each such orbit currently will take approximately 25,860 years to complete with the Sun and its Solar System being the 7th one of Alcyone . The duration of each earthly Astrological age is approximately 2,155 years as there are 12 such . There are thereby two photon ages lasting approximately 2,155 years each and two breaks between such lasting approximately 10,755  years each during one entire orbit . Physically the full intensity of a Photon age is characterised by a continual glowing phosphorescent luminous sky or atmosphere rather than the present distinct day and night sky . This change may be sudden or gradual . A gradual change will occur if the Sun does first encounter and interact with the photon belt while the change would be sudden if the Earth first made such encounter and interaction before the Sun . It is more apparent that our Sun has made the first such encounter on this particular occasion hence does form the underlying reason for the erratic climate and weather patterns of the past few decades and the thus far maintenance of definitive day and night .

World government and the scientific and academic community along with their aligned and associated parties will not acknowledge this occurrence because it would result in their loss of control and power over the general world population . The earthly traverse of the Alcyone Photon Belt at a foundation basic mental level has and will always bring full and thorough enlightenment to all intelligent lifeforms . As a desperation measure the present never to be enlightened misguided controllers of earthly affairs are doing everything within their limited and underdeveloped intelligence to completely and totally block the enlightenment power of the Alcyone generated photon energy . Their efforts to date have included cloud seeding under the guise of stimulating rainfall for agricultural purposes , chemclouds and chemtrails which has involved spraying the upper atmosphere with compounds of barium and aluminium , and creation of an ozone layer in the extreme upper atmosphere falsely claiming such as natural . Environmentalism has been used as indoctrination in the promotion of a perceived need for an atmospheric ozone layer and a false explanation regarding its deterioration . The prize piece of current environmental pseudo science indoctrination would undoubtedly be that ocean and fresh water sharks form a natural and necessary part of the biological animal kingdom and should thus be fully and unconditionally protected as an endangered lifeform . If that be so then perhaps those who instigated such demented thought should swim amongst a school of hungry bloodthirsty sharks .

Akin to the outlined pseudo science environmental indoctrination would be the current fake and bogus world virus scenario with mass vaccination as its main objective . The most direct and effective method of blocking the enlightenment power of the Alcyone photon energy for intelligent earthly humans would be using the human mind and body itself to prevent such and as previously stated in the Neuro Mutant Vax 2021 post this could be achieved by restricting the full development of human nerve cell dendritic spines and thereby detrimentally affect nerve impulse transmission . It is no coincidence that mass scale vaccination is being conducted to coincide with the initial Earth traverse through the Alcyone Photon Belt under the false guise of protection against a virus which in reality does not actually exist .


The global fake virus scenario has now reached the next level which will mean total fixation upon the mass vaccine virus distribution and its administration . Fixation as a conceptual tool of a fraudulent activity does involve more than the initial obsessive preoccupation whether actual or feigned . All world nations have now directly experienced the obsessive preoccupation of governments and their associated parties by varying degrees through the unnecessary imposed restrictions such as border closures and lockdowns and curfews and compulsory face mask wearing and contact tracing and enforced medical testing and then quarantine for a positive test result which has culminated in the spread of the laboratory created virus through the various available vaccines . Obsessive preoccupation of fixation does eventually progress and emerge as obsessive attachment and does finally reach the obsessive dependency stage . The very credibility and continued existence of all current deluded world government at every level does now involve both the obsessive attachment and obsessive dependency fixation aspect concerning the population being voluntarily vaccinated . Mass media has been positioned at the forefront of the indoctrination process and is delivering unabatedly the virus misinformation to the trusting world population .

Those that are driving and implementing the preplanned fraudulent world virus agenda are now also increasing the momentum for the legalisation of euthanasia throughout the world . As previously indicated the full legalisation of euthanasia would give sound legal protection to the knowing instigators of the virus fiction with its resultant distribution and administration of the poisonous vaccines by circumnavigating the various established and entrenched world wide criminal codes concerning murder . Vaccination certificates will be emailed to vaccinated people in Australia so it should be apparent that those without such will have more limited opportunity by comparison . The able companion to the vaccination certificate could be a vaccination passport which may further restrict the unvaccinated .

Mania is directly linked and strongly bound with fixation and alternate highly elevated levels of enthusiasm in combination with correspondingly extreme and intense levels of despondency do represent its underlying fundamental characteristics . A maniac can only reduce the despondency by fixation and the enthusiasm gained from such . Megalomania which is defined as obsession with the exercise of power and control will thereby complete the motivating factors propelling the world wide virus scam . A continuous unrelenting virus scenario does provide an ideal environment for the  cycle of fixation and mania and megalomania to flourish . Because these three phenomenon feed and fuel each other any determination as to which may have preceded the other would be considered irrelevant .

It could be said that all those involved in the monumental self generated virus illusion have become drug addicts and need their fix . Unlike the conventional drug addicted person their addiction is present at the mental level . Fixation with contrived and total illusionary circumstances will become the mental fix and the perpetual three fold cycle previously mentioned does provide the impetus for the continuation and preservation of the illusion .


Yet another major class division within the world population shall arise from the present fake virus situation between those who will be legally recognised as vaccinated and those who will not be legally recognised as vaccinated . It will also establish a major sub division of those who will not have been vaccinated and claim to have been vaccinated and those who will have been vaccinated and claim not to have been vaccinated . Those who control could be considered perversely competent economist as at least two major world wide class divisions shall be created by one single false virus scenario . It will give the English idiomatic expression two for the price of one an extra dimension of significance .

There would exist two main reasons for the general population deciding upon personal vaccination . Firstly , people have been persuaded and convinced by the dual falsities of trickery and deception that the claimed virus situation is totally genuine and vaccines are consequently necessary and beneficial . Secondly , a fear of authoritarian initiated reprisal and mistreatment against anyone who does not become vaccinated especially if a majority choose vaccination .  A minority group in any society is often placed at the mercy of the majority and given the misguided zeal and determination displayed so far from controlling sources an unvaccinated minority would most likely become severely disadvantaged . The instigators and orchestrators of the fraudulent world virus phenomenon and their able and obliging cohorts are deliberately distributing the virus laden vaccines slowly which will give maximum opportunity for the overall staged indoctrination process to take full effect . The final and completed process of indoctrination will add new meaning to another English idiomatic expression of give and take .

Regardless of whether the unvaccinated do form a majority or minority the divide will have been none-the-less created . Planet Earth has already experienced two successive world wars in recent history and many smaller scale wars amongst various deluded segments of the world population . Underlying all earth based war is battle for control of the human conscience . It could be said that World War 3 has arrived but not in the same guise as any previous conflict . The current World War is being fought mainly at the psychological or mental level and it will be a protracted and ceaseless and relentless covert war of attrition against humanity and not a war against any claimed virus . Small glass bottles and phials of vaccine virus will form the ammunition while the uncaring and indifferent self interested manufacturers and promoters and distributers and protectors and administers of the latest bio ammunition arsenal will form its soldiers .


Human cognitive manipulation will most probably form the main purpose of the current infamous and notorious world virus vaccination programme . Cognition is more correctly defined as the mental action or process of acquiring wisdom and foresight and intuitive awareness by thought and reasoning based upon the total aggregate of all collective and personal sensory experience . As with the proper functioning of human affairs generally it is contingent upon a healthy mind and body . At the foundation base micro level this proper functioning is essentially determined by full unimpeded development and growth of dendritic nerve cell spines . It is these spinal protrusions of the dendrite that are integral for effective nerve impulse transmission . If anything does interfere and intervene with such development and growth cognition will be permanently and irreversibly affected .

Although a crystalline virus does eventually self destruct it may reform and emerge as something completely different . This characteristic and ability is called transmutation and viruses are the only bio organisms which have the capability to successfully transmute and thereby lose all original appearance and distinguishing character . While virus mutation has become general knowledge virus transmutation is usually only generally known within the scientific community and those that control and direct this community . A former virus can also independently self replicate after transmutation . These two lesser known virus aspects acting in co ordinated unison distinguish it amongst all other bio organisms .

It therefore could be possible for a virus to transmute and become nerve cell dendritic spines and thereby influence nerve impulse transmission in a human being . If the newly transmuted dendritic spines were fully functional it would significantly enhance body nerve impulse transmission while conversely there would be a diminishment of such if the transmuted dendritic spines were completely sterile . Human intelligence is determined by the rate and speed of thought assimilation and this is dependent upon nerve impulse transmittal effectiveness which is governed by dendritic spinal quantity and  quality . The word spineless when used insultingly is usually making reference to cowardliness but it can also make reference to stupidity by dendritic spinal absence .

Different vaccines could be utilised for a variant result during this present virus scenario however despite the real intention behind the probable neuro mutant vaccination of 2021 an advanced humane society is never governed by a dictatorial centralised authoritarian assemblage forcibly exerting its wayward will over the general population by fraudulent deception . Humanity must thereby suffer until further collective awareness is achieved .


A vaccine is generally considered a bio chemical solution that will keep the created virus in a crystalline form and thereby make it dormant or inactive whereas a so called booster vaccine would be comparatively defined as a chemical solution that does activate a dormant virus by the breakage of its given crystalline matrix structure . Predictably both a vaccine and booster vaccine have been chosen as the chief weapon of treatment for the claimed world wide natural virus phenomenon .

The largest and most influential multi national pharmaceutical corporations are currently producing and manufacturing the booster vaccine which can be done relatively quickly as it is merely a simple straight forward chemical compound . Conversely a vaccine or virus in crystalline form would require a much longer production and manufacture time because it is deemed a very complex bio chemical that must utilise an extremely complicated code for its genetic sequence pattern and structure  . Based upon current bio technology and the total available scientific labour resource and the huge logistic requirement for a world wide vaccine distribution the production and manufacture of such would have commenced in the year 2015 with the planning and development stage having begun well beforehand .

The very short timeline of 21 days between vaccine sleeper agent injection and booster vaccine trigger agent injection may simply mean the crystalline structure of the injected virus would not be broken by the human immune system and therefore must be broken by an outside agent before the virus is naturally and harmlessly expelled from the body in its unbroken crystal form .

It should be seen as ironic that the publicised symptoms of this current claimed world wide virus are similar to influenza when realising that influenza vaccine viruses have been freely dispensed throughout the world for many years . This would strongly indicate that the current so called virus or more correctly the crystal virus vaccine is just a more highly created and developed strain of influenza with all known viruses to date being genetically modified laboratory bacteria . A further irony does arise concerning the size of a virus . Any virus is larger than bacteria in crystal form and probably the largest of all microbes and pathogens but smaller than bacteria when in the active state . The next irony being that a virus is only crystalline in a vaccine and at no other time or on no other occasion . All and any virus will eventually self destruct whilst in the host entity as an active agent without any visible detectable trace making this the ultimate virus irony and making the virus itself presently the ultimate biological weapon .

Injecting someone with a needle if done without their permission or consent does fully constitute a criminal act called malicious wounding which is accompanied by a significant term of imprisonment as a possible consequential penalty . Vaccination cannot be thus made legally mandatory because its enforcement would contravene the criminal law of every world nation .

Everybody will be given a second chance during the intended vaccination procedure in Australia . That chance would be akin to a warning message for an ordinary and common computer deletion will revolve around the second needle injection . The main legal hurdle for those who are detrimentally affected by the forthcoming vaccination procedure is that the orchestrators will have legal protection by virtue of that second given procedural chance .

All sickness and disease and illness is not caused by any microbe or pathogen as a properly functioning immune system will expel or destroy any such invader . Boring as it may sound a healthy diet and lifestyle does make the concept of vaccination totally unnecessary . Human consumption of animal derived food from the meat or poultry or egg or fish or dairy or honey category and other contaminants and poisons like alcohol or tobacco or medication or drugs or vitamin supplements or coffee or tea or confectionery or soft drink does not and never will form any part of a healthy diet while broadcast television watching or broadcast radio listening or gambling or roguery or competitive sport and competitive game involvement or sleeping with the head raised on a pillow or either or both unethical voluntary and unethical paid employment participation or workaholism or the utterance of any and all unprovoked abuse or the conveyance of unwarranted criticism or engagement in criminal activity or simultaneously and aimlessly walking and viewing a smartphone screen or unnecessarily wearing a face mask does not and never ever will form any part of healthy lifestyle .


Given the harmful and deadly nature of vaccines then those who are knowingly involved in their manufacture and distribution must possess legal protection to avoid criminal and civil liability especially in consideration of the immense and unprecedented scale that is applicable to the current claimed virus situation . In NSW Australia that legal protection is contained within Section 31 A of the Crimes Act 1900 NSW  whereby the rule of law that does concern the committal or attempted committal of suicide has been removed but the enactment of euthanasia is still illegal in accord with Section 31 C which doth forbid the aiding and abetting aspect . The various criminal codes of most developed nations have now decriminalised suicide but few have legalised euthanasia so anybody who voluntarily does allow themselves to be vaccinated and prematurely do die or suffer resultant injury will be covertly deemed a suicide or attempted suicide case and those responsible can never be held criminally or civilly accountable .

The sheer audacity and temerity of the scam warfare perpetrators must be admired by the casual observer but ironically the same legislation that does afford legal immunity and protection to the perpetrators or instigators of this intending mass vaccination scenario also  does offer sound legal protection for the targeted and largely unsuspecting victims . As nobody can be coerced or induced to commit or attempt suicide it would then become a simple matter to remind those who are involved in the promotion of the mass vaccination associated with the false and fake virus phenomenon that there does already exist firmly established criminal legislation for suicide coercion and inducement which is accompanied by a definitive imprisonment penalty . Those laws must remain entrenched otherwise such acts would then become murder which is condemned by all civilised societies . The same rationale is applicable to all aspects of the scam warfare scenario including  the wearing of mask .

Because a surgical style mask does restrict normal breathing if and when worn it then would become a matter of asphyxiation or suffocation . If somebody does compel another person to wear such a mask then this would contravene Section 37 of the Crimes Act 1900 NSW which does make it illegal to suffocate a person while Section 44 does prohibit failure to provide the necessities of life by those who have a legal duty and obligation to do so and air must be considered a life essential . If a food service provider did prevent an unmasked person from the obtainment of basic food it would thereby constitute another different Section 44 contravention . The posting of signage outside retail stores and other public venues directing one to wear a mask could thus constitute a document containing threats of inflicting bodily harm upon a person which would thereby contravene Section 31 in the featured Crimes Act if enforced .